The ultimate component comparison product: CAPSXpert Semiconductor Database
CAPSXpert Semiconductor Database for Windows is an information package of electronic components designed to meet the needs of electronics design, purchasing, specification, maintenance, and other functions that locate and select ICs, semiconductors, and optoelectronic devices. It contains 1,534,000+ commercial and military/high reliability parts and over 930,000 datasheets from nearly 1000 manufacturers worldwide.
CAPSĀ® and IC/Discrete Combined
IHS combined the strengths of two superior component databases, CAPS and IC/Discrete, to create CAPSXpert. A new search engine running under Windows and major advances in usability and technology allow easy manipulation of data for maximum productivity.
CAPSXpert contains manufacturer and sales office contact data such as names, addresses, telephone numbers, and corporate logos; and product information (device types and number of devices within the database) for a specific manufacturer is also included.
The database contains graphical pinout and package displays from the index portion of the product for board layout and real estate considerations.
CAPSXpert lets you locate similar or replacement parts; lets the system automatically upgrade or downgrade devices; or upgrade and downgrade based upon your specified criteria.
Types of Data
CAPSXpert contains parametric data on digital, linear, interface, memory, and microprocessor ICs; transistors; diodes; thyristors; and optoelectronic devices.
Updating and Operating Environments
CAPSXpert is available for use with DOS* and Windows on an annual subscription basis. (Call IHS for information on Unix availability.)
*Call IHS for more information on CAPS.Back to the IHS Home Page