Congruity Software

The Congruity software is available in two packagesthe first includes the ability to add and manage corporate part information. The second does not.

Both versions are designed to allow the user to search any of the Xpert databases for which he has a subscription. The user interacts with the application through an simple point and click graphical user interface. The application allows the user to search the databases in a variety of familiar and powerful ways to locate parts or documents of interest. Once a part or document is found, the user can get additional information about it, or view any of the scanned images which are associated with it. These images include data sheets, application notes, and ordering information (for the Semiconductor database), or the original, unabridged documents or manufacturers catalogs (for the other three databases).

The full version of Congruity adds capabilities for the customer to manage corporate part information. Additional features include cross referencing these corporate part numbers to manufacturers part numbers, adding attributes describing the corporate parts, and searching across any of the information which has been added. System administration utilities and security features are also included

Xpert Semiconductors Sample Search Screens

Click on a screen to see a larger version.
Search Screen (27k)

Search Results Screen (29k)

Image Screen (80k)

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