The DoD Standardization Service

The DoD Standardization Service on CD-ROM from IHS provides the world's most comprehensive, commercially available, collection of active, unclassified U.S. Military and Federal specifications and moreā•„more than 80,000 documents.

Locating the exact specification you need is easy. Search by keyword(s), document number, FSC, or Locator Code (subject). In addition to full-text document images, the service provides detailed subparagraph-level document outlines that allow you to quickly examine document content to find the exact pages you need.

DoD Standardization Service Segments

Optional Sections
 	Naval Instructions/Directives(OPNAV/SECNAV)
 	Naval Instructions/Directives(NAVAIR/NAVFAC/
 	DoD Directives
 	Department of Energy Standards and Orders
 	DoD Adopted Industry Standards
 	NATO Documents
 	Federal Construction Regulations
 	Historical DoD Standardization Service (Prior t1990)
 	Historical DoD Standardization Service (1990 Forward)
 	Hot Specs(r) Seven-day CD-ROM Updates 
 	H-Series Handbooks CAGE codes, FSCs, approved item names, 
		and related parts cataloging data.
 	H4/8 CAGE Code Handbook
 	H6 Federal Item Name Directory
 	H2 Federal Supply Classifications

Updating and Operating Environments

The DoD Standardization Service is updated every 60 days. Optional seven day updates are available. It is available for use with DOS, Unix, and Oracle. Network options include 3COM, Novell, Banyan, or DEC Pathworks on Lan CD and other brands of software.

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