Xpert Worldwide Commercial Standards

The Xpert Worldwide Commercial Standards database contains complete descriptions of more than 250,000 standards published by hundreds of standards-developing organizations throughout the world. This database can be used by those needing to:

Data Content

Xpert Worldwide Commercial Standards database includes:

U.S. Standards from:

Non-U.S National and International

Standards from:


The Xpert Worldwide Commercial Standards index is the world's most comprehensive database of standards information. Searches are fast and easy,and can be based on a variety of criteria:

Built-in search filters simplify searching by allowing you to limit searches to:

The system can automatically generate a summary report containing detailed information such as subject terms, page count, publication date, English language indicator, American National Standard indicator, DoD Adopted indicator, and geographic location. The Xpert Worldwide Commercial Standards product also has context-sensitive, online help that speeds you to solutions in seconds.

Viewing Images

Worldwide Commercial Standards are supplied in a raster-scanned image format with a supplied image viewer that allows you to:


The Xpert Worldwide Commercial Standards database is updated every 60 days.


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