Xpert Mil Specs and Standards
The Xpert Mil Specs and Standards database is the world's largest
collection of unclassified U.S. military and federal specifications,
standards, drawings, and related documents. This database helps
ensure compliance to military and federal contractual requirements
by allowing users to:
- Identify product performance requirements
- Plan design and manufacturing process steps and deliverables
- Locate drawings and technical specifications on approved parts
and materials
- Create test plans and report results
- Maintain products in the field
- Find and contact preparers and reviewers
Data Content
The Xpert Mil Specs and Standards database contains more than
80,000 active and 210,000 historical documents. The following
document types are included:
- Military Specifications and Standards
- Federal Specifications and Standards
- Military and Federal Qualified
- Product Lists (QPLs)
- Military Handbooks
- Military Bulletins
- MS Drawings
- AND, ANA, AN Drawings
- USAF and NAF Standards
- Data Item Descriptions (DIDs)
- Federal Information Processing
- Standards (FIPS)
- Joint Army-Navy Specifications and
- Standards (JANS)
- NASA Documents
- DoD Directives (DODDs)
- Army Regulations
- Federal Construction Regulations (FCRs)
- FAA Documents
- Naval Instructions and Directives (NIDs)
- DoD-Adopted Industry Standards
- NATO Documents
- DOE Documents
You can locate documents using one or more of the following search
- Document Number
- Document Type (such as Mil Spec, Fed Spec, DoD-Adopted, NASA
Document, etc.)
- Keywords within the Title, Scope, Intended Use, or Keyword
- Keyword(s) within the Document Outline
- Federal Supply Class (FSC)
Built-in search filters simplify searching by allowing you to
limit searches to:
- Active Documents (new/revised/all)
- Historical
- HOT SPECS¨ (7-day, cumulative)
- Document status
Documents also incorporate both context-sensitive online help
and hypertext links to all applicable documents, including DoD-Adopted
Industry Standards.
All specifications and standards include the names, addresses,
and fax numbers of both preparers and reviewers.
The system can automatically generate a summary report containing
detailed information such as preparing activity, FSC code and
description, issue date, coordination, distribution, unit of measure,
revision in progress, QPL required, and AMSC.
Viewing Images
Documents are provided in a raster-scanned image format. The supplied
image viewer allows you to:
- Pan, zoom, and rotate images to view exactly what you need.
- Quickly navigate from page to page, or jump to a specific
page in the document.
- Temporarily magnify hard-to-read portions of a page without
zooming in and out.
- Print a portion of a page, a full page, or a range of pages.
- Export a portion of a page, a full page, or a range of pages
to a TIFF file, for later incorporation into a specification or
other documentation.
The Xpert Mil Specs and Standards database is updated every 60
days. A HOT SPEC¨ 7-day update service is also available.
- Congruity(TM); Technical Information System
- 2 GB disk space.
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