Xpert Semiconductors

The Xpert Semiconductor database puts critical electronic component information and datasheets at your fingertips, making parts research, comparison, and selection a snap. This database is used by design engineering, component engineering, support engineering, EDA librarians, manufacturing, and purchasing/procurement to:

Data Content

The Xpert Semiconductor database is the world's largest collection of information on electronic components, providing desktop access to over 1.5 million devices from more than 900 manufacturers worldwide, along with direct links to 940,000 pages of manufacturers' datasheets and Mil Spec/QPL documents.


The entire Xpert Semiconductor database can be searched very quickly, using either simple queries or comprehensive search criteria based on physical and performance parameters. Intuitive menus and prompts lead you through even the most challenging searches. In minutes you can be an expert at identifying alternate sources, and pin-for-pin replacements.


Users can locate components by searching on any one or more of the following items:

Users may enter values for any of these items, using single or multiple-character wildcards, or select one or more values from a list of possible values. Additional features include:

Viewing Images

Datasheets, application notes, user manuals, selector guides, and other manufacturer-provided information are provided in a raster-scanned image format. The supplied image viewer allows you to:


The Xpert Semiconductor database is updated every 60 days.


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