Logos Intelligent Translation System
Product Description
Logos Intelligent Translation System
Logos Intelligent Translation System is a software system
for the automatic translation of documents. It analyzes and
translates complete sentences. Due to its semantic intelligence and
bionet structure, Logos software has an unlimited capacity to learn.
Documents are translated into draft quality. Users can edit them
according to their quality requirements. The extensive dictionaries and
the resulting terminological consistency are a major advantage of Logos.
Logos - Technology with Semantic Intelligence
The sentence is
the basic unit for translation. Logos software analyzes the complete
source sentence - it derives information on word classes, morphology and
the function of the words in the sentence as well as their semantic
content from the extensive dictionaries provided. Logos associates these
data and internally converts them to a numeric code for processing.
Both the syntactical structure and the semantic connections between the
words are taken into account during the analysis.
It is the semantic component in particular which enables Logos
to take a step beyond merely replacing words, i.e. to generate complete
and idiomatically correct sentences in the target language using
internal rules. By adding new dictionary entries and rules Logos can be
adapted to the customer's requirements and consequently, productivity
can be continually increased. These characteristics give Logos software
its unlimited capacity to learn.
Logos is particularly well suited for the translation of:
- Operating instructions
- Manuals
- Product specifications
- Training manuals
- Technical correspondence and documentation
Because of the software
architecture (single source language / multiple target languages) the
same analysis process is used for translation from one source language
to multiple target languages.
At present, the following language pairs are available:
- English / German
- English / French
- English / Italian
- English / Spanish
- German / English
- German / French
- German / Italian
Logos software meets modern
demands of typography and layout, and comes equipped with interfaces to
the leading word processing, desktop publishing and information systems.
The formatting information of the input document is automatically stored
and re-inserted after the translation. This Logos feature fulfills
today's demand for an integrated documentation process.
All Logos functions are available to the user via a graphical
user interface (GUI). This graphical interface conforms to current
Windows standards and is compatible with the leading Windows manager
Logos is based on the principle of client/server architecture
and consequently enables the user to create, translate and edit
documents without changing work environment.
The maintenance of the dictionaries and the semantic database is
performed on the Logos server.
The Logos client/server products are suitable for integration
into homogeneous and heterogeneous UNIX ® and PC networks using
TCP/IP protocol and NFS ®. The Logos server can be integrated into a
LAN consisting of workstations, PCs or X-terminals. The graphical user
interface is compatible with X11R4 and X11R5 and conforms to the
OSF/Motif ® standard.
Logos software is installed on a Sun SPARCstation (UNIX). The
user can access all Logos functions on this server, including the Logos
tools ALEX and SEMANTHA.
Structure and Size of Logos Dictionaries (unlimited expansion)
- 250 predefined virtual Logos Subject Matter Dictionaries (SMCs)
- 250 virtual Subject Matter Dictionaries freely definable by the
user (SMCs)
Number of Basic Entries (stems)
English source language:
- currently more than 50,000 basic entries (stems) incl. more than
3,000 in virtual Subject Matter Dictionaries
German source language:
- currently more than 75,000 basic entries (stems) incl. more than
15,000 in virtual Subject Matter Dictionaries
Structure of Dictionary Entries
- currently a maximum number of characters per source term of 34
characters for ALEX entries
- maximum number of words in the source term: 10 or limited by
maximum number of characters
- currently a maximum number of characters per target term of 48
characters for ALEX entries
- maximum number of words in the target term: 10 or limited by
maximum number of characters
Dictionary Selection
- a maximum of five Company Dictionaries can be selected
- a maximum of five Subject Matter Dictionaries can be selected
- three-letter code representing the Company Dictionary
- three-digit code representing the virtual Subject Matter Dictionary
Available Protection Characters
- @ $ { & [ * % } ~ ] # | ^ \
Structure and Size of the Semantic Database (unlimited
- three-letter code representing the Company Dictionary
- a maximum of five Company Dictionaries can be selected
- currently SEMANTHA offers seven rule templates
for German source language and eight rule templates for English source
Number of Semantic Rules
English source language:
- currently more than 11,000
German source language:
- currently more than 20,000
Input Documents
Maximum Length of Path Names:
Speed of Translation
The speed of translation is 1 or 2 pages (letter format) per
minute. This speed is dependent upon the system configuration, amount of
formatting information and the length and complexity of the sentences in
the text.
System Configuration
Workstation or Server (mandatory)
- System: Sun SPARCstation
- Processor: SPARC, Model 5/20 or comparable, or higher performance
- Main memory: minimum of 32 MB RAM
- Free disk storage:
- - 210160 MB for English source language
- - 210 MB for German source language
- - 300 MB for both source languages
- - depending on the translation volume: further 200 MB necessary
- Network protocol: LAN TCP/IP (optional)
- Network interface: THIN/THICK ETHERNET (optional)
- Magnetic tape drive: 150 MB QIC or 8 mm DC
- High-resolution monitor
Operating System
- Sun OS 4.1.3 with System V extension or Solaris ® 2.3
- OpenWindows 3.0 or OSF/Motif
Further Logos
Application Software
- LogosClient for Windows
- LogosClient for OSF/Motif (UNIX)
Partner Products:
- Optimizer for Logos (Eurolang ®)
- XL8 ® for Logos (GlobalWare ®)
The following
formats are currently supported:
Product Name or Editor |
Supported Version
| Save Format / Converter |
Interleaf ® | 5.3
| Forced ASCII 5.3
FrameMaker ® | 3.1 |
MIF 3.1
Word for Windows | 2.0b,
| RTF 1.2 |
Ami Pro
® for Windows | 3.01
| RTF 1.2
WordPerfect ® | 5.2
| DOC (WordPerfect) 5.2
DCA | | RFT |
nroff/troff | | nroff/troff (UNIX)
XL8 (XL8 editor) | 1.6 |
| SGML (provisional)
Logos API | | LTX
Logos Sales Information
Copyright 1995 LOGOS Corporation, 200 Valley Road, Suite 400, Mt.Arlington; NJ 07856, USA
Copyright 1995 LOGOS GmbH, Mergenthalerallee 79-81, D-65760 Eschborn, Germany
All rights reserved.
LOGOS reserves the right to make changes in specifications and other information contained in this document without prior notice.
Other brands and their products are registered trademarks of their respective holders and should be noted as such.