"Deadline" Newsletter
Spring, 1995
Announcing MICRO PLANNER Versions 1.3 and 2.3 for Mac, Sun, HP and Silicon Graphics
New file compatible versions of X-Pert and Manager now shipping.
Versions 1.3 and 2.3 herald Micro Planning International's first Macintosh and UNIX file compatible versions. They are ideal for our clients whose managers use Macintosh computers, but whose engineers use UNIX workstations. Any file created on one version can be opened directly by the other versions. Links between files (transmitters and receivers) also operate across platforms so that enterprise-wide project management systems can be developed incorporating both Macintosh and UNIX platforms. Cross-platform files can be accessed and/or moved via networks or via floppy drives where they are installed. Standard FTP is sufficient for moving and accessing files on a network. No other special file transfer utilities are required. For workstations with 3.5 inch floppy drives installed, Micro Planner comes with a utility that allows Macintosh formatted disks to be read by Micro Planner on a UNIX workstation. To obtain either an upgrade from an earlier version or a demo of a new version, contact your local MPI representative or call Micro Planning International directly at 1 800 756 (PLAN). Pricing is also uniform across platforms with X-Pert and Manager retailing at $1,995 and $695 respectively. For customers covered by support contracts, the upgrade is free on demand. Just call 1 800 852-PLAN to receive your upgrade. Without support, the upgrade to X-Pert 2.3 is $395 and the upgrade to Manager 1.3 is $149.
New Product Update
MPI does not release the expected ship dates of products in development until the product completes its Beta phase. Products currently under development are discussed below in expected ship date order. Many of you, as members of MPI's Client Advisory Board, are already actively involved in specifying and refining these products. If you have a particular interest in one or more of these products and would like to directly impact the outcome, please contact either Tim Breen or Andy Killinger at our Denver corporate headquarters.
- X-Pert & Manager 1995 Feature Release
MPI produces one feature release each year, usually in August/September. This year's release reflects the priorities of MPI's most active clients engaged in enterprise-wide, multi-project management systems. In addition to many smaller enhancements, MPI's 1995 feature release will include:
- Selective archiving so that any piece (subproject, etc.) in an enterprise-wide project management system can be re-baselined as necessary, old project baselines can be removed, and new project baselines can be added.
- Faster analysis (at least 10 times faster).
- Analysis options for either batch or "on the fly" (automatically reanalyzes when any change is made) schedule analysis.
- Background analysis so the user can continue working while schedule analysis processes in the background.
- Native Power PC version for Macintosh users
- X-Pert & Manager for Windows 3.0
MPI is currently shipping X-Pert for Windows version 2.1. This version is nearly identical to other versions of X-Pert, but is not "file open" compatible with MPI's Macintosh and UNIX versions. Data can be exchanged via import/export. Version 3.0 will be identical to Macintosh and UNIX versions and be completely file open compatible. It is expected to ship in late 1995.
- MICRO PLANNER Server (Galaxy)
The MICRO PLANNER server product will tie together pre-existing products on various platforms as clients linked via a network to the server product. The server version will allow for unlimited capacities and will act as a real time data manager so that many clients can be working within a file simultaneously. The server product is expected to be completed in 1996.
This electronic version of "Deadline" is condensed, including only news items from the latest edition. For a printed copy of the complete "Deadline," please call MPI at 1 800 852-PLAN (7526).