The Pure Pulse - August 1994

Quantify HP Ships

In May of this year we released Quantify for developers on HP's PA-RISC workstations.

Quantify improves not only the performance of your code, but it demonstrably improves the caliber of your engineering team. Every time an engineer uses Quantify's line-by-line performance analysis, they learn what NOT to do next time. Especially with C++ and the X libraries it is hard to know what is slow and what is not. Quantify's one-word-setup makes it easy enough for every engineer to use so that the entire organization calls and writes efficient code in the first place, and there is no last-minute frenzy to re-architect the application for more speed.

"Quantify showed me several pieces of code that I had never suspected were performance culprits," writes Larry Soule, a senior research and development engineer at Synopsys. You can bet that Larry and his peers have not only fixed the culprits he found, but they are actively avoiding them in all the new code they are writing. This continuous improvement is the key to quality software.

Quantify's also features integration into SoftBench, HP's software development environment. The integration gives SoftBench users quick access to Quantify's capabilities, and provides Quantify users full access to SoftDebug, the SoftBench debugger.

Quantify is supported with HP-UX 8.07 and 9.01 on 700 and 800 series workstations.

Purify 3 -- What's Coming

Upgrade shipments of Purify 3 will begin shipping in September and continue thoughout October and November. If you haven't received your upgrade by Thanksgiving, then please contact us: or (408)-720-1600. Purify 3 includes:


PureCoverage will ship at the same time as Purify 3 on all platforms. PureCoverage includes:

Support now comes in 2 and 3 year flavors

Our support and maintenance package includes an unusual benefit: full Unix platform transferability at no cost. Most vendors charge you once for a software package, and then want to charge you again when your hardware base evolves. For customers on support, all new Unix platforms are provided at no cost and a new license is not needed.

In the past you could only purchase 1 year of support at a time. Now, however, you can purchase 2 and 3 year packages. In addition to getting a substantial discount for purchasing up front, you lock in the current support policies. 2 and 3 year packages are available both on renewal and upon initial purchase.

No Hidden Email to Pure Software

Occasionally when using our products you get a surprising email from yourself either asking you if you want to register or letting you know you might need more licenses. Some of you find this enchanting, and some of you find it invasive. Many of you have asked: Do Pure's released products occasionally send automatic mail directly to Pure?
NO. If you've already registered yourself with us, and want to stop the registration emails, you can 'cd; touch .registered.pure' and future versions of our products will inhibit the register email.

About Pure Software

These are the two key issues for software developers

Pure Software was founded in 1990 to address these challenges. In January 1992 Pure Software released its first product, Purify, which quickly gained industry-wide recognition by winning numerous outstanding product awards. In March 1993 Pure Software delivered its second product, PureLink, and in June 1993 its third product, Quantify, each of which has also won outstanding product wards. In September 1994 Pure Software will ship its fourth product, PureCoverage.

Pure Software continues to grow rapidly and focuses on creating and selling a suite of products that improve software quality. Pure Software is backed by the Mayfield Fund and Merrill, Pickard, Anderson, & Eyre, two of the leading U.S. venture firms.

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