April 11, 1995

Pure Software Products Encapsulation:
Using Pure Software Products with SoftBench

Pure Software Inc.
(408) 720-1600
URL: http://www.pure.com


The SoftBench environment just got much stronger. Pure Software's Purify, PureCoverage and Quantify are now encapsulated into SoftBench providing developers all the necessary tools to deliver quality software. SoftBench gives you an integrated development environment that greatly accelerates the edit/compile/debug loop. Now you can include Purify, PureCoverage and Quantify as an integral, transparent part of that loop.

Purify is the leading run-time error and memory leak detection product available today. It provides comprehensive run-time error checking using Object Code Insertion (OCI), Pure Software patented technology. It can pin-point the source of run-time errors everywhere in an application, including third-party libraries and shared memory. By eliminating these bugs, your software will be much more reliable, and you can spend more time writing software and less time debugging it.

PureCoverage is a code coverage analysis product that quickly and easily displays code that has and has not been executed. Using this data you can improve your testing. PureCoverage is integrated with Purify. Code that has not been tested is likely to have bugs, including run-time errors. PureCoverage used in conjunction with Purify is an unbeatable combination.

Pure Software's Quantify is the industry leading performance analyzer. OCI technology allows Quantify to provide exact performance data on a line, function and module basis. Quantify allows the developer to quickly identify where performance bottlenecks exist in an application.

Using SoftBench together with Purify, PureCoverage and Quantify in the testing phase of your development cycle is an effective way to build robust, reliable, high performing software and deliver it on-time.

Together, the Pure Software products and SoftBench make a tightly integrated environment for detecting, analyzing, and correcting run-time programming errors. The Pure Software Products Encapsulation allows you to move easily between SoftBench and Pure Software's products, providing a graphical interface to all functionality. The Pure Software Products Encapsulation makes working with Purify, PureCoverage, and Quantify in the SoftBench environment easy, intuitive, and integrated.

Major Features

The major features of the Pure Encapsulation are focused on tight integration of tools and ease of use. The following list highlights those features:

  1. Tight integration of Purify, PureCoverage, and Quantify with the SoftBench debuggers.
  2. Tight integration of Purify, PureCoverage, and Quantify with the SoftBench Build tool.
  3. SoftBench window interface to Pure Software tools, plus ability to capture all textual output.
  4. Convenient links to the SoftBench editor.
  5. Flexible use of Purify, PureCoverage and Quantify options available from the user interface.
  6. Easy transitions between SoftBench and Pure Software's products.

Using Pure Software Products with SoftBench

The Pure Software Products Encapsulation in the central point for work done within Purify, PureCoverage, and Quantify while in SoftBench. The Encapsulation has a main window, which allows the user to invoke Pure Software products and their associated functions, such as exporting analysis data to a text file. When other SoftBench tools need access to Pure Software functions, they do so by sending messages to the Encapsulation, which runs the corresponding Pure Software product function.

For example, before running Purify to detect and analyze run-time errors, you must relink your application with Purify. To accomplish this step, you can point at the existing executable in the SoftBench Development Manager and request Purify to Instrument. This will send a message to the Pure Software Encapsulation, which will extract the necessary information, such as executable name and Purify options, and request the SoftBench Build tool to perform the instrumentation.

There are several benefits to this approach. First, all Pure Software products are accessible through a single SoftBench window, with intuitive pulldown menus for common Pure Software products commands. Second, other SoftBench tools can easily communicate with Purify, PureCoverage, and Quantify through a documented message interface, so you easily access Pure tool functions from SoftBench tools. For example, once your program has completed the Instrument step, you can then run the program under the SoftBench distributed debugger, DDE. In the debugger, you will find a Pure pulldown menu, which contains the Purify, PureCoverage, and Quantify API commands. These commands allow you to control each Pure Software product while the debugger is running.

Getting the Encapsulation

To obtain the Pure Software Encapsulation, you can either use the Internet, or contact Pure Software at the numbers listed below.

The following instructions are for obtaining the Encapsulation from the Internet. In these steps, you will be copying an image of the Encapsulation, extracting the files from the image, and installing the files into the proper location in the SoftBench system directories. This version of the Encapsulation supports SoftBench 4.0, Purify 3.0x, PureCoverage 1.0x, & Quantify 2.0x.

First, copy an image of the Encapsulation over the Internet, into a temporary file.

% cd /tmp
% ftp ftp.pure.com
ftp>cd Public/softbench_encap
ftp>get pe-1.1.tar.z
Next, extract the files from the image. In this step, you must choose a directory in which to store the extracted files. One place you could store the encapsulation is with the other Pure Software products.
% uncompress pure-encap.tar.Z
% mkdir /usr./encap		# or your named directory
% cd /usr./encap
% tar -xvf /tmp/pe-1.1.tar.z
Now you are ready to install the Encapsulation into the SoftBench system directories. Without changing directories from above, execute:
% ./Install
The installation should output some messages about where files are being copied. When complete, you should be able to run the Encapsulation. If you already have SoftBench running, you will need to run the SOFTINITprogram to read the new installation information. To do this, from the SoftBench Tool Manager, select: Tool:Start... and double click on the SOFTINITline in the popup dialog. Installation is now complete.

Getting Started with the Encapsulation

To understand more about how to use the Pure Encapsulation, you can read the on-line man page, softpure, via the command:
% man softpure
This man page is located in the SoftBench system man pages directory, or in the directory where you extracted the Encapsulation.

Once you have reviewed the documentation, you are ready to start using the Encapsulation. You can try a simple example that comes with the Encapsulation. Start the SoftBench Development Manager, and set the context (via the File:Set Context... menu item) to the directory:

/usr./encap/Example       # or directory where you extracted the
You will see the following files:
Makefile              Makefile
hello_world.c         C Source
hello_world.pure      Executable
Single click on the hello_world executable, and select the Actions:Purify:Instrument menu item. This should start the Pure Software Products Encapsulation, followed by the SoftBench Build Tool. When the Build tool completes without errors, hit the Collect button from the Pure Products Encapsulation main window. This should run the hello_world application, produce Purify analysis results, and bring up the Purify Viewer.

You are now ready to try the Pure Software Encapsulation on your application.

For more information

For questions or technical support, contact your local Pure Software Office.

Pure Software Inc. Pure Software B.V. Pure Software K.K.
1309 S. Mary Avenue Transpolis, Polarisavenue 19 2-15-8 Iwamoto-cho
Sunnyvale, CA 94087 2132 JH Hoofddorp Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101
USA The Netherlands Japan
Tel: (408) 720-1600 Tel: (31) 2503 85420 Tel: 03-3863-9283
Fax: (408) 720-9200 Fax: (31) 2503 85402 Fax: 03-3863-9285
support@pure.com support@europe.pure.com support@japan.pure.com

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