The Action Request (AR) System from Remedy Corporation is the leading client-server application for enterprise help desk automation. The AR system tracks support request for problem management, change management, asset management, and a variety of other help desk functions. It can be fully distributed among a network of UNIX systems, PCs, Macintosh« systems, and ASCII terminals, providing a "virtual" help desk for distributed workers. The AR System combines a full suite of problem resolution aids with an ability to integrate with all major third-party management tools, including the standard network management platforms. This allows the AR System to easily span from workgroup support to enterprise management.
While the AR System is provided as a complete help desk application, all of the included forms, menus, and work-flow descriptions are fully customizable and tailorable by the end- user using graphical tools. Features include automatic problem submission, automatic delegation and escalation, support for the major SQL databases, a desktop beeper for notifications, and fully documented application programming interfaces.
Remedy Corporation develops and markets the most versatile client-server application s for support and business processes. The products are highly tailorable, run on all popular environments, integrate easily, and offer outstanding value.
Solaris version: 1.x, 2.3 and 2.4
Solstice application/version: Solstice SNM 2.2.2
Type of integration: Console Menu Interface, Uses Manager API, Uses Agent API