Computer Associates

CA-Unicenter/Software Delivery

One Computer Associates Plaza
Islandia, New York 11788 USA

Tel: 516-342-6000
Fax: 516-342-5737

Software Delivery automates distributed computing's most onerous and expensive task: the delivery and installation of software and updates across thousands of servers, desktops and networks. CA-Unicenter/Software Delivery provides new software and updates in a scalable, controlled, secure, scheduled and auditable manner to networked multi-platform desktops and servers at the push of a button. Working through its client/server systems manager, Software Delivery runs on platforms as diverse as LANs, UNIX, AS/400s and mainframes.

CA-Unicerter/Software Delivery provides:

Solaris version: 2.3 and 2.4

Solstice application/version: Solstice SNM 2.2

Type of integration: Console Menu Interface