Solstice Partner Self-Certification Program

List of Certified Partner Applications


Enterprise Management offers a Self Certification Program for Solstice(TM) SunNet Manager(TM). Self Certification involves executing a set of automated tests as well as manual tests. This allows our Power Partners to perform a certification test of their product in an effort to verify that a given Partner product functions effectively with Solstice SNM and other Partner products, thus providing assurance to end users that Solstice SNM and Partner products can solve their network management problems.

The Self Certification Program is designed to provide Power Partners with the ability to develop applications that conform to the following requirements:

(1) The partner product should not adversely affect the Solstice SunNet Manager environment and it should not adversely affect system or configuration files.

(2) The partner product should coexist and concurrently share the use of Solstice SNM with other applications, including the shared access of a common Solstice SNM database.

(3) The partner product should fairly use System and Memory resources.

(4) The use of the Solstice SNM console as well as basic operations such as event and data requests should be possible, concurrently, while using the partner product.

(5) The partner product should adhere to the Solstice basic style guidelines as they apply to file attribute changes thus ensuring good network and program citizenship.

These requirements enable Power Partners to deliver applications that meet a standard level of integration set by SunSoft.


We strongly encourage all Power Partners to participate. Some of the advantages are the following:

(1) Use of SunSoft Enterprise Management Labs as a resource to test products if the Power Partner does not have a sufficient test environment. The Power Partner must still perform the actual test.

(2) Use of the test results as an effective marketing/sales tool.

(3) Use of the "Solstice Compatible" logo in pre-sale advertising and marketing collateral.


The self certification process is essentially a two step process.

(1) The power partner performs the certification test and sends the results back to us.

(2) We review the results and if all is satifactory issue a report and logos to the participating power partner.

Solstice Partner Developer Support Group