IT checkpoint:
Identify your open systems potential
Information technology is complicated. Most enterprises and departments have several different
types and generations of technology struggling to provide meaningful solutions to business
problems. Understanding this complexity and ways to leverage it into the future is not easy. The
question remains, "Why, and how, should I integrate the next generation of technology into my
existing information technology architecture?" SunIntegration Services provides the answer with
a high-level diagnostic of the business and technological potential of open systems and client-
server computing in your enterprise.
Short focused assessment
SunIntegration's IT checkpoint service is a participative, short, highly focused evaluation of
existing enterprise or departmental information technology architecture. It is designed to help you
gain a better understanding of your current IT situation. More importantly, it will help you
understand and explore how to deploy open systems and client-server computing. The objective
of the service is to help you jump-start your migration to open client-server systems.
SunIntegration's IT checkpoint is one of a portfolio of services designed to help you plan and
execute a rapid and successful move to the new world of client-server and open systems.
Questions to be answered
In a participative process, we'll answer questions like these:
What open systems architecture will help ensure competitive advantage?
How will your current architecture change?
What are the critical success factors for your architecture?
Where do current systems, applications, and skills fit in the new order?
What do you do next?
Proven methodology
Using SunIntegration's proven methodology and architecture framework, we work as a team with
you to develop a strategy that is linked to your business goals and objectives. By developing an
assessment of current and future IT architecture,we set the stage for future architectural detail and
migration planning.
Why SunIntegration?
Sun is recognized as the leading supplier of commercial, open, client-server technologies and is a
pioneer in the process of migrating to these technologies. Our experience has helped many
Fortune 500 companies in their successful efforts to migrate to client-server computing.
SunIntegration also draws from its extensive experience in transforming Sun's own $5 billion
global enterprise from proprietary legacy systems to an open systems and client-server
Taking the next step
For more information about SunIntegration's IT checkpoint service and other SunIntegration
services, contact your Sun Microsystems sales representative.
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