Project Blueprint

Most enterprises and departments are acquiring new technology in the hopes of providing meaningful solutions to business problems. But distributed Information Technology can be complicated and state-of-the-art skills in short supply. The fact is, the pace of runaway I.T. projects has escalated with the increased adoption of this new technology. These runaways are more often misconceived from the outset than mismanaged from a sound starting point. This can lead to cost overruns and long delays in deployment. SunIntegration's Project Blueprint offers a proactive scoping and project readiness analysis to mitigate many of these potential dangers and save time, money and manpower.

Focused Assignment

Project Blueprint brings together business users, I.T. professionals and senior management in a highly-focused scoping of your project before the requirements and design phase commences. This 1- 2 week assessment results in a real world appraisal and validation of your project. It is designed to help you gain a better understanding of the top business and technical issues facing the project and what is needed to successfully jumpstart the effort.

Questions To Be Answered:

Upon completion, the Project Blueprint Report will clearly identify and articulate the following issues:

Why SunIntegration?

Sun is recognized as the leading supplier of commercial, open, client-server technologies and is a pioneer in the process of migrating to these technologies. Our experience has helped many Fortune 500 companies in their successful efforts to migrate to client-server computing. SunIntegration also draws from its extensive experience in transforming Sun's own $5 billion global enterprise from proprietary legacy systems to an open systems and client-server computing.

Taking the Next Step

For more information about SunIntegration's Project Blueprint and other SunIntegration services, contact your Sun Microsystems Sales Representative.

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