Tower Concepts, Inc... Razor! Logo Occam

"Quality Software at a Realistic Price"



Tower Concepts offers Razor®, an integrated tool suite which offers both problem tracking and configuration management, and at a very aggressive price.

Issues Icon The issues program could be considered the heart of the Razor package. It's a highly configurable problem tracking system, wherein locally defined problem forms present themselves on screen as X windows, employing text fields, text windows, check boxes, choices etc, for whatever information is important to your work.

Versions Icon Through the versions program, Razor provides an intuitive and insightful window interface to all of the standard version control needs; checking files in/out for edit, parallel development, reporting changes, viewing differences, browsing, etc.

Threads Icon Your final product is actually the culmination and integration of innumerable changes spread across a wide number of files. The threads program provides an easy mechanism for managing all of this. With this tool, users and teams easily manage the releases they're generating.


Through a simple GUI/mouse maneuver, users are able to easily relate their check-in, check-out, and thread activities directly to problem reports in the system. It is this linkage that provides the greatest power of the package. Both managers and engineers have direct insight into not only the changes that are being made but also the issues which drive them.

There is, of course, nothing forcing you to use the tools this way.
You're free to use the problem tracking tool (Issues) or file version control/build management tools (Versions & Threads) all by themselves.

If what you've seen above looks interesting, you may want to review some of this extra information. It will give you a better insight into some of Razor's approaches and capabilities...

Finally... if you're still interested, you may want to look over our documentation or take the program for a test drive. We offer free demo/eval copies straight off the net; quick and easy. And, if that looks good, you will probably want to review our pricing and ordering information.

We think you'll agree that no matter how you look at it, Razor is...

Quality Software at a Realistic Price.



Tower Concepts also offers TokenKeeperTM...

Shhhh ....
For information about this though, you'll have to
look at our real web site out
on the net.


We've also got even more information about Tower Concepts and Razor, just yours for the taking. And, if you're so inclined, you may also want to look through our collection of web pointers. Some of them are truly useful and work related... some not. Enjoy

Tower Concepts, Inc.
103 Sylvan Way
New Hartford, NY 13413
V: 315-724-3540
F: 315-724-3129