Additional Information...
Customer stories
Occasionally, some of our customers allow user stories to be written,
emphasizing how Razor has helped their operations. They get nothing
directly out of doing this other than knowing they've helped spread the
good word.
MIT, Lincoln Labs is one of the largest federally funded
research laboratories in the country. This note discusses how
one group there decided to use Razor for CM on a large C++
effort for the (US) DoD.
- The
European Southern Observatory has the unique problem of
having their scientists and software developers located near
Munich, Germany while the telescope they are working with is in
the Atacama desert in Chile! Razor allows them to
work off synchronized problem tracking databases, even over these
huge geographical distances.
- Both
LSI Logic and Salix Systems use Razor, but in notably
different businesses. The first one handles issue management
in a semiconductor house, and the second for source code
management related to document storage technology.
- The
National Center for Genome Resources is perhaps one of the
coolest technical efforts underway on the planet; they're working
to map the entire human DNA sequence (and they use Razor to
You may be interested in looking over an abbreviated list of some
other customer sites.
Concepts newsletters
As situations warrant, we send out an e-mail newsletter to various
people. These volumes contain notes about products from Tower
Concepts, as well as bits of trivia related to working with shells, C,
and X. If you'd like some back issues...
- Volume 3 - March 1995
Announcing and discussing Razor 3.5...
Promise of a new manual...
A call for papers.
- Volume 2 - November 1994
Discussion of Motif applications on OpenLook window managers...
Notes about the 3.3j and 3.4 b releases...
Pointers to popular e-mail lists...
How to customize function keys in Razor...
The 'fancy_header' shell script for Sun cmdtool windows.
- Volume 1 - October 1994
Press release about syncronized problem tracking...
Announcements about HP and SGI ports...
New ($495) price schedule...
Notes about the CRISP editor...
Stupid UNIX tricks.
More things to download...
Although much of this is also mentioned over on the 'specs' page,
we mention it all here as well in the name of thoroughness...
Please note: this CDWare 'web page' was generated in July (95), so
it's quite possible (likely) that we have more supported platforms, and
a newer release than what's shown below. Please contact us for the
latest information.
Demo/eval copies
Demo/eval copies of the software and postscript copies of the
documentation set are available by ftp.