Command and Conquer Level ========================= Info ---- Level Name: Desert Tib Madness Created By: GDI Boss ( ) Release Date: 4 March 1996 Map information: Large (62x62), desert theatre, with LOTS!! of tiberium. Created from scratch. Player: Multi-Player ( 2 or 4 ) Filename: File contents: dtibness.ini dtibness.txt Tested on Command and Conquer v1.19p (English Version) Usage ----- Easiest way is to rename dtibness.ini => scmXXea.ini => scmXXea.bin where XX is a number between 01 and 99. Beware of replacing other missions! Then select the map 'Desert Tib Madness' from the multiplayer maps menu. Other Information ----------------- This map has been TESTED and it works!!! ( Unlike such maps as 'The Wood', 'Tiberium World' etc... 'The Wood' looked really great, not a single tree and no tiberium either. Don't they test their maps?? ) Okey, I'll stop whining and start doing something about it. So here it is. This is my first multiplayer map so I would like to get some feedback!! Keep 'em coming!