Tiberium World ============== Author: Void Date: Febuary 17th Email: quinnt@spots.ab.ca AUTHOR'S NOTES I'm sorry to all the players that tryed the previous Tiberium World. There was a major bug where no tiberium would show up. The reason is that C&C can only handle 1024 Overlays (Tiberium, Sandbags,Walls,etc.) And my first version had around 2000 or so. I got it down around to 996 in this version so it should work fine. Sorry for any inconvience. This is the scenario you have all been waiting for, a REAL tiberium level. This level is made so that the distance to all players is almost equal. Thus making 3 player a little more fair. The level has four elevated corners and a barrier going down the middle of the level to make the distance to each corner near equal. Tiberium is everywhere around each players base so there should be way, way more than enough. I've put in as much Tiberium as the game can handle so it should be enough for those 4 hour 4 player games. Have fun with this one. ** Void **