Mixman Lite (MMLITE) V1.0 By Vladan Bato (i3100785@univ.trieste.it). This program is Copyright (C)1996 Vladan Bato This program can be freely distributed outside the original Mixman package, included with third party programs, missions, or files as long as: -This text file (MMLITE.TXT) is included in the same archive. -The two files (MMLITE.EXE and MMLITE.TXT) are not modified in any way. When distributing these files with your missions or programs, you are not restricted in any way. You can sell them as shareware or distribute on cdroms. However : -I assume no responsability for any damage caused directly or indirectly by using this program. -If this program is distributed outside the original Mixman archive, I don't provide any support for it. Support should be provided by the author of the package where it was found. For questions about the program (if found within the original Mixman archive) you can send me an e-mail. Vladan Bato i3100785@univ.trieste.it http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/8682