Teach Yourself to Play\Harmonica Teach Yourself to Play\Harmonica\xtras\BuddyAPI Teach Yourself to Play\Harmonica\xtras\Fileio Teach Yourself to Play\Harmonica\xtras\swa Teach Yourself to Play\Harmonica\xtras\OpenrURL Teach Yourself to Play\Harmonica\xtras\FileXtra Teach Yourself to Play\Harmonica\xtras\directOS Teach Yourself to Play\Harmonica\xtras\gmatter Teach Yourself to Play\Harmonica\xtras\yamaha Teach Yourself to Play\Harmonica\lessons\tyh_01 Teach Yourself to Play\Harmonica\lessons\tyh_01\midfiles Teach Yourself to Play\Harmonica\lessons\tyh_09 Teach Yourself to Play\Harmonica\lessons\tyh_09\midfiles Teach Yourself to Play\Harmonica\lessons\tyh_07 Teach Yourself to Play\Harmonica\lessons\tyh_07\midfiles Teach Yourself to Play\Harmonica\lessons\tyh_06 Teach Yourself to Play\Harmonica\lessons\tyh_05 Teach Yourself to Play\Harmonica\lessons\tyh_05\midfiles Teach Yourself to Play\Harmonica\lessons\tyh_04 Teach Yourself to Play\Harmonica\lessons\tyh_04\midfiles Teach Yourself to Play\Harmonica\lessons\tyh_03 Teach Yourself to Play\Harmonica\lessons\tyh_02 Teach Yourself to Play\Harmonica\lessons\tyh_02\midfiles Teach Yourself to Play\Harmonica\lessons\tyh_08 Teach Yourself to Play\Harmonica\lessons\tyh_08\midfiles Install QuickTime.exe grfx_tyh.cct core.cct fastSplash.ini fastSplash.exe $Teach Yourself to Play Harmonica.exe logo.mov mwm.mov tyh.BMP quit.dcr help.dcr data.cct cd_intro.dcr budapi.x32 budapi32.dll FILEIO.X32 FILEIO16.X16 Swadcmpr.x32 Swastrm.x32 OpenURL.x32 FILEXTRA.X32 DirectOS_R.x32 DirOS_R.x16 sndxtra.prf XSOUND.X16 XSOUND.X32 EXHCALL.DLL EXHPLAY.DLL EXPLAY.DLL MIDXTRA.X32 YXDMOD00.DLL YXDSWP00.DLL YXDWAV00.TBL tyh_01.ini dia.dcr chro.dcr choose.dcr lesson.dcr songs.cct tk01.mid TK02.MID tyh_09.ini lesson.dcr songs.cct Tk42.mid Tk43.mid Tk44.mid Tk45.mid Tk46.mid Tk47.mid Tk48.mid Tk49.mid Tk50.mid Tk51.mid Tk52.mid tk53.mid tk54.mid tk55.mid tk56.mid tk57.mid tk58.mid tk59.mid tk60.mid tk61.mid tk62.mid tk63.mid tk64.mid tk65.mid tk66.mid tk67.mid tk68.mid tk69.mid tk70.mid tk71.mid tk72.mid tyh_07.ini lesson.dcr songs.cct Tk28.mid Tk29.mid Tk30.mid Tk31.mid Tk32.mid Tk33.mid Tk34.mid tyh_06.ini lesson.dcr songs.cct tyh_05.ini lesson.dcr songs.cct Tk22.mid Tk23.mid Tk24.mid Tk25.mid Tk26.mid Tk27.mid tyh_04.ini lesson.dcr songs.cct Tk11.mid Tk12.mid Tk13.mid Tk14.mid Tk15.mid Tk16.mid Tk17.mid Tk18.mid Tk19.mid Tk20.mid Tk21.mid Tk10.mid tyh_03.ini whole.mov half.mov quarter.mov eighth.mov lesson.dcr rhy_egt.dcr rhy_whl.dcr rhy_qtr.dcr rhy_hlf.dcr songs.cct tyh_02.ini lesson.dcr songs.cct tk04.mid tk06.mid TK05.MID TK07.MID TK08.MID TK09.MID tyh_08.ini lesson.dcr tune.dcr key.dcr mike.dcr blend.dcr bass.dcr songs.cct Tk35.mid Tk36.mid Tk37.mid Tk38.mid Tk39.mid Tk40.mid Tk41.mid Data.z