Section: Misc. Reference Manual Pages (N)
Updated: 05 May 1992
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tpage - front-end to Tom's Pager System
tpaged - daemon that manages paging queue
ixocico - program that executes the IXO protocol
table file
] [
schedule file
] [
] [
phone num
] [
] [
] [
] [
] [
] [
dev phonenum
is the front-end to the system. A user can run this program to
submit a message to someone's pager.
The program wants 4
things: (1) the phone number to dial, (2) the person's PIN
pin (Personal Identification Number), (3) who to email if the
page isn't accepted, and (4) the message.
Once it has all that information, it dumps it into a file
which is read by
which delivers the message to the paging service using
the appropriate protocol. tpaged selects the correct
program for you. Each protocol is implemented as
a separate program. Currently ixocico
is the only program to choose from, and it implements
the IXO protocol.
The phone
number (1) and PIN (2) can be specified with the
options, OR by specifying a name (which instructs tpage
to look up the information in the pager table file), OR by
specifying the name ``-'' which
means ``whoever is on duty'' (which instructs tpage to find
out who is on duty from the schedule file, and then look up
their phone number and PIN in the pager table file).
Specifying a phone number without a PIN (or vice-versa) results
in the missing data being looked up in the pager table file.
A comma-separated list of names may be given. It is much more
efficient to use a list of names than to do single pages.
NOTE: A name must always be specified, so if you use the
options you must also specify a name (such as ``foo'') which will
be ignored. Combining a list of names with the
options works in a logical but undefined manner.
To specify who to email if there is a problem (3) use the
option. The default for this is to not send email to anyone.
The message (4) can be specified on the command line or if ``-'' is
given, stdin is read for the message. No matter how many
bytes you give it, the high-bit is stripped, RETURNs and TABs are
turned into spaces, and groups of spaces are turned into single
spaces. The first 160 bytes (configurable in the program) is
all that's sent, since that's all that the pager will display.
Command-line options are:
- -T table file
table file is the file that has the
table of people and the info needed to communicate
with their pager. The default is /home/adm/lib/tpage/table.
- -S schedule file
schedule file is the file that has the
is the file that is used
to find out who's on duty at this moment. This file is only
consulted if ``who'' is ``-''. The default is
- -U
This option marks the message as urgent. If the schedule
lists that no one is on duty at that time but the message is
marked urgent, a secondary schedule is consulted.
- -d phone num
Ignore what the table file says, use this phone number when
dialing. If a list of people is specified, this phone number
is used for the first person, the others will be looked
up in the -T file.
- -p pin
Ignore what the table file says, use this PIN when transmitting
the message.
If a list of people is specified, this phone number
is used for the first person, the others will be looked
up in the -T file.
- -t
Act as a ``tee''. Copy stdin to stdout. If you give this
option and the message is not coming from
- -v
Verbose mode. Currently useless since there isn't anything
extra worth printing.
- -m
Parse the input as mail. Skip all the headers but extract the ``From'',
``Subject'', and ``Priority'' lines. If they exist, append to the
beginning of the message ``F: frominfo'', ``S: subject line'',
``P: priority''. ``F:'' and ``P:'' are clipped to be one screenful
in length. They are all padded out to the end of the screen.
- -M
Skip ``mail quoted'' lines. Netnews and Mail often have other messages
quoted by prefixing each line with greater than symbol. This option
skips any input line that begins with zero or more whitespace charactors,
followed by zero or more letters or numbers, followed by zero or more
of <, >, {, or }. This should catch the normal quoting methods
as well as anything the perverse superquote.el package
for GNU Emacs
might come up with.
- -e
On error, send email to this person. If any errors happen when
the tpage command is beign run, the user is notified. This
is for sending email when the page is being processed. In
other words, if the PIN is incorrect. If the phone number is
incorrect the tpaged daemon will keep redialing and redialing it
trying to figure out why it can't get through.
tpage is a program that you don't need to know about. Your
sysadmin should have installed it for you. It wakes up about
every 20 seconds, sees if there are any new messages to send
out and tries to send them. It can understand multiple paging
protocols (tpage picks the best one for you) though it
currently only knows about the IXO protocol. tpage can run
as ``root'' but is often just run as ``daemon''.
is the message transport program for the tpage system. It is called
and told what device to use and what phone number to dial on
the command line. It
gets the PINs and messages to send from stdin.
It co-exists with the uucp programs fine as it uses the
same methods to lock the modems. It notices stale locks
and blows them away. Not all locking features have been
proven to work on HPUX, only SunOS.
It will not wait for a modem to be unlocked.
watches the output of
for lines beginning with # to know success
or failure of particular messages and of the entire batch.
/home/adm/lib/tpage/scheduleschedule of who's on duty
/home/adm/lib/tpage/tabletable of people and their pager info
uucico(1), xkill(l)
Written by Tom Limoncelli (tal@Warren.MENTORG.COM)
at Mentor Graphics Corporation, Silicon Design Division,
Warren, New Jersey. May be re-distributed only in it's unmodified
are specified, a name still must be specified.
It currently only compiles under SunOS even though some
defines are inserted so that it doesn't fail all over the
place on silly operating systems like HPUX.
This document was created by
using the manual pages.
Time: 00:02:01 GMT, February 01, 2023