iExalt Electronic Publishing

Additional Christian Software Packages

Worldwide Prayer Guide Contact Regal Books at 1-800-4GOSPEL
24-Hour Counselor Contact Lifeway at 1-800-458-2772
Fat Free Clip Art $49.00


Worldwide Prayer Guide

Fulfill the Great Commission in Our Lifetime
Finally! A complete one-stop resource that will help you, your church, mission and prayer groups pray fervently and effectively for unreached people throughout the world--including the 10/40 Window!

The Interactive Guide to Global Intercession
Loaded with 40,000 man-hours of research and reference material, this CD-ROM is the perfect tool for anyone who wants to pray and promote prayer for the unreached people groups and countries of the world. It also includes articles on Islam, Hinduism and Buddhism.

Be a Missionary from Your Computer
The information on this CD-ROM can be printed and used in church bulletins and other forms of communication. It also includes a video explanation of the 10/40 Window and a prayer calendar that will help you pray daily for unreached people of the world! Video segments by renowned Christian prayer leaders Luis Bush, C. Pete Wagner, Larry Stockstill and Ted Haggard will help you promote prayer in your church-- and inspire people to fulfill the Great Commission!

Works with both Windows and Macintosh Internet browsers!
For more information, contact Regal Books at 1-800-4GOSPEL.

(The Worldwide Prayer Guide is a joint project between iExalt Electronic Publishing and Regal Books.)

24-Hour Counselor

The 24-Hour Counselor, a set of recorded counseling sessions dealing with topics affecting youth, was originally released in the 1980s on audiocassettes. Churches could make as many copies of these tapes as needed to distribute to youth in their communities.Compiled by Richard Ross, youth ministry consultant for LifeWay Christian Resources, The 24-Hour Counselor is now being released as a CD-ROM that functions like an Internet Web site, runs within any Web browser and allows the user to navigate to any session by clicking on a link. The resource covers 24 different circumstances that young people may face, ranging from loneliness and depression to peer pressure and pregnancy. Other topics include date rape, eating disorders and teen pregnancy. In addition to the original sessions, this new version adds the topic of teen-age violence.

For more information click here for the LifeWay article about the 24-Hour Counselor.

Churches may purchase a package containing 25 copies of The 24-Hour Counselor CD-ROM from LifeWay Christian Resources for $64.99. To order call 1-800-458-2772 or send an e-mail message to

(The 24-Hour Counselor is a joint project between iExalt Electronic Publishing and LifeWay Christian Resources.)

Fat Free Clip Art

Fat Free Clip Art Computer This is NOT one of those mega clip art packages filled mostly with junk you wouldn't dare use. Nope! Every one of these 4000 cartoon drawings is a delicious, high-quality image you'd be honored to use. We just took out all the fat!

Even though this art contains no caffeine and no sodium, you'll find it brimming with enough eye-grabbing flavor for just about any flier, brochure, bulletin, button, poster, postcard, T-shirt … whatever you want to create! Use these cartoons to spice up your print materials, then stand back and watch the response.

  • Easy to use formats for both PC and Mac!
  • Easily scalable: includes vector and bitmap images! (TIFF, WMF, EPS)
  • Great for: churches, schools, youth groups, children's ministry.
  • With a printable catalog you can customize.

Fat Free Clip Art System Requirements:

Published by Cartoonworks. 

Fat Free Clip Art, 4000 Images on CD-ROM, $49.00

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This page last updated Wednesday, February 28, 2001.