SENATOR SMITH: The fact that so few of the passengers and crew were picked up by the Carpathia with life preservers on would seem to indicate that they were sucked under these waves or this water as the ship disappeared. What is your judgment about that? MR. BRIDE: I estimate I was within 150 feet of the Titanic; I was swimming when she went down, and I felt practically no suction at all. SENATOR SMITH: Mr. Bride, I appreciate the fact that you are not well. I want to thank you very much for your uncomplaining, kindly attitude. I will not press you further to­day, but I wish you would hold yourself subject to the call of the committee and be ready to respond if we should want you again. May I have this understanding, Mr. Marconi? MR. MARCONI: All right. SENATOR SMITH: We will take a recess until 3 o'clock. At 1:45 o'clock p.m. the committee took a recess until 3 o'clock p.m. AFTERNOON SESSION At the expiration of the recess the hearing was resumed. SENATOR SMITH: Is Mr. Bride, the wireless operator of the Titanic present? MR. MARCONI: No, sir. SENATOR SMITH: Where has he gone? MR. MARCONI: He has gone to some house uptown, where is going to be looked after, sir. SENATOR SMITH: Has he gone to some hospital? MR. SAMMIS: No, Senator. He has gone to the house of some relative of his. I heard you tell him that you were not going to question him any more to­day so I sent him along. SENATOR SMITH: I should like to ask him a few additional questions this afternoon, but it will be impossible if he is not here. MR. SAMMIS: I am sorry, Senator. We understood from what you said, that you had finished with him for to­day. SENATOR SMITH: In view of his physical condition, I think his further examination may be postponed. MR. SAMMIS: You remember saying, Senator, that you would not question him more to­day? SENATOR SMITH: Yes; I don't hold you responsible at all for his not coming here now? MR. MARCONI: We thought you had finished with him for to­day. SENATOR SMITH: That is all right. There is no responsibility on you at all. I merely thought that if he was here I should like to ask him a question. The other operator is here? MR. SAMMIS: Yes, sir; and he will remain here if you wish him. SENATOR SMITH: Is the second officer of the Titanic here? MR. BURLINGHAM: He is not in the room, Senator. He is out around the hotel, somewhere, sir. You mean Mr. Lightoller? SENATOR SMITH: Yes. MR. BURLINGHAM: Mr. Lightoller has gone out, we find, but he will be back soon. SENATOR SMITH: I wanted to ask Mr. Lightoller if the ship's log was saved. MR. BURLINGHAM: Any of the other officers can tell you just as well about that. Mr. Pitman is here, for instance. SENATOR SMITH: Very well. Mr. Pitman, I will swear you as a witness, for a moment, just for the sake of completing our record. TESTIMONY OF HERBERT JOHN PITMAN Mr. Pitman was sworn in by the chairman. SENATOR SMITH: State your full name, please. MR. PITMAN: Herbert John Pitman. SENATOR SMITH: Where do you reside? MR. PITMAN: England. SENATOR SMITH: At what place? MR. PITMAN: Somerset. SENATOR SMITH: Somerset, England? MR. PITMAN: Yes, sir. SENATOR SMITH: How old are you? MR. PITMAN: Thirty­four. SENATOR SMITH: What is your business? MR. PITMAN: Mariner. SENATOR SMITH: How long have you been employed as a mariner? MR. PITMAN: Sixteen years. SENATOR SMITH: In what capacities? MR. PITMAN: From apprentice to an officer. SENATOR SMITH: I would like to know whether you are sufficiently advised, of your own knowledge, to say whether the ship's log was preserved or taken from the Titanic? MR. PITMAN: Not to my knowledge; I did not go into the chart room, so I do not know. SENATOR SMITH: Do you know whether Mr. Lightoller, the second officer, Mr. Boxhall, the fourth officer, or Mr. Lowe, the fifth officer, took possession of the ship's log? MR. PITMAN: I can not say, sir. SENATOR SMITH: I will make a brief announcement for the official reporter and for the press: That, after conference with my colleagues of the committee, we have concluded to subpoena Mr. J. Bruce Ismay, Mr. P. A. S. Franklin, Mr. Harold Bride, Mr. H. T. Cottam, Mr. C. L. Lightoller, second officer; Mr. H. J. Pitman, third officer; Mr. J. G. Boxhall, fourth officer; Mr. H. G. Lowe, fifth officer; and others; they being the only surviving officers of the Titanic; also others of the crew. We have also subpoenaed W. Perkis, E. Archer, W. H. Taylor, W. Brice, E. J. Buley, S. S. Hemming, F. O. Evans, T. Jones, Frank Osman, G. Moore, A. Cunningham, A. Olliver, F. Fleet, G. A. Hogg, A. Crawford, W. Burke, Edward Wheelton, F. Clench, Fred D. Ray, G. F. Crowe, C. E. Andrews, J. Widgery, H. S. Etches, G. T. Rowe, John Collins, A. J. Bright, G. Symons, J. Hardy, and Albert Haines, of the ship's crew. All of these witnesses have been summoned to appear in Washington on Monday morning at 10 o'clock, and at that time this investigation will be resumed, and no further testimony will be taken at this hearing. I have been asked to make a public statement. Before doing so I request that no representative of the press or other person shall ask any question of me before beginning or during my statement or after I have finished. What I say I desire reported accurately, and I wish the public to know that this statement is the only official utterance I shall make before resuming our inquiry at Washington: The object of this committee in coming to New York coincident with the arrival of the Carpathia was prompted by the desire to avail ourselves of first­hand information from the active participants in this sad affair. Our course has been guided solely by this purpose ­ to obtain accurate information without delay. Information had been received that some of the officers of the Titanic, and the managing director of the White Star Line, who were British subjects, residing in England, desired and intended to return to their homes immediately upon arrival at this port. We concluded that it would be most unfortunate if we were deprived of their testimony for any indefinite period, and felt that their removal beyond the jurisdiction of our authority might complicate, and possibly defeat, our purpose. We went directly to the Carpathia upon her arrival, were received courteously by the captain and officers of the ship, and were accorded a prompt interview with the managing director and vice president of the White Star line. We requested the attendance of these officers, the other surviving officers, and that the crew might be held subject to our orders. We satisfied ourselves that the promises of Mr. Ismay and Mr. Franklin could be relied upon, felt assured of their presence at the hearing Friday morning, and did not feel called upon to use more drastic means to accomplish that result. Mr. Ismay intended to return to England forthwith, but at our request has remained here, as have the other officers and members of the crew. It was found necessary to take the testimony of Capt. Rostron, of the Carpathia, immediately in order that he might not be further inconvenienced in his departure with his ship, destined for the Mediterranean, after his most creditable conduct in a most trying emergency worthy of the highest praise. We felt that it would not be an evidence of our appreciation of his gallantry, thoughtfulness, and efficiency to detain him and his ship and passengers longer after he had brought the survivors of the Titanic voluntarily to this port. The survivors of the Titanic and their friends throughout the world are under a debt of gratitude to Capt. Rostron which can never be repaid. His promptness in responding to the call of distress resulted in a large saving of life which, but for him, would have been impossible; and, voicing the sentiments of my countrymen, I thank him in their name, and in the name of the Government of the United States for his unselfish and noble contribution to the cause of humanity. We examined the second officer of the Titanic, Mr. Lightoller, because he was in command during the hours immediately preceding the collision, and we thought it wise to take his testimony immediately. Mr. Bride, the wireless telegrapher on the Titanic, who survives, had been injured and was unable to be conveniently moved from New York, and, as the testimony of the wireless operator of the Carpathia was so intimately related to the testimony of the surviving operator of the Titanic, we concluded to take the testimony of both forthwith; and in order that we might, beyond peradventure, have the statement of Mr. Ismay officially upon our records, we decided to take his testimony immediately. At the completion of the examination all the witnesses were notified of the fact that we had not finished with them, and were requested to remain subject to the orders of the committee. After conference with my associates, we concluded to exercise our authority and formally subpoena all of the surviving officers of the Titanic including those just mentioned and others not sworn, together with about 30 members of the ship's crew. This has been done, and further testimony for the present will be taken at Washington, where all the members of the subcommittee can be present. In summoning the surviving passengers, many of whom were weak and greatly distressed, some quite ill and others injured, we have thought it wise to proceed with care and consideration for their physical and mental condition. Many of them have already been subpoenaed, but returns have not yet been made, and I am unable to give the names of those subpoenaed to the press to­day. In closing this statement I desire to acknowledge our debt of gratitude to the representatives of the press for their marked consideration and courtesy in this most trying situation, and wish to assure them that everything that has transpired of public interest has been entirely in their presence, and that this course will be pursued, so far as I am concerned, in the future hearings before the committee. Whereupon, at 3:30 o'clock p.m., the subcommittee adjourned to meet in Washington at 10:30 o'clock a.m., Monday, April 22, 1912.