and swimming bath F­G 57 No. 4 boiler No. 4 boiler Coal bunker Steward`s, First class room. room. and boiler . Turkish and stewards casing baths, etc. G­H 57 No. 3 boiler No. 3 boiler do Third­class First and room. room saloon second class and stewards H­J 60 No. 2 boiler No. 2 boiler do do First class room. room. J­K 36 No. 1 boiler No. 1 boiler do Third­class First class room. room galley, and stewards stewards, etc. K­L 69 engine engine engine Engineers' First class room. room. room casing, and engine and workshop casing engineers' and mess, etc. engineers' stores L­M 57 Turbine­ Turbine­ Turbine­ Second Second class engine engine engine class and room room room casing and turbine stewards, and small ­engine etc. stewards' room stores. casing. M­N 63 Electric­ Provisions Provisions Second class Second and engine and electric third class room engine casing N­O 54 Tunnel Refrigerated Third class do do cargo O­P 57 do Cargo do Third class Third class P to stern Afterpeak Afterpeak Stores Stores Stores. tank for tank for trimming trimming ship ship The vessel was constructed under survey of the British Board of Trade for a passenger certificate, and also to comply with the American immigration laws. Steam was supplied from six entirely independent groups of boilers in six separate water­tight compartments. The after boiler room No. 1 contained five single­ended boilers. Four other boiler rooms. The Nos. 2, 3, 4, and 5 each contained five double­ended boilers. The forward boiler room, No. 6, contained four double­ended boilers. The reciprocating engines and most of the auxiliary machinery were in a seventh separate water­tight compartment aft of the boilers; the low­pressure turbine, the main condensers, and the thrust blocks of the reciprocating engine were in an eighth separate water­tight compartment. The main electrical machinery was in a ninth separate water­tight compartment immediately abaft the turbine engine room. Two emergency steam­driven dynamos were placed on the D deck, 21 feet above the level of the load water line. These dynamos were arranged to take their supply of steam from any of the three of the boiler rooms Nos. 2, 3, and 5, and were intended to be available in the event of the main dynamo room being flooded. The ship was equipped with the following: 1. Wireless telegraphy. 2. Submarine signaling. 3. Electric lights and power systems. 4. Telephones for communication between the different working positions in the vessel. In addition to the telephones, the means of communication included engine and docking telegraphs, and duplicate or emergency­room telegraph, to be used in the event of any accident to the ordinary telegraph. 5. Three electric elevators for taking passengers in the first class up to A deck, immediately below the boat deck, and one in the second class for taking passengers up to the boat deck. 6. Four electrically driven boat winches on the boat deck for hauling up the boats. 7. Life­saving appliances to the requirements of the board of trade, including boats and life belts. 8. Steam whistles on the two foremost funnels, worked on the Willett­Bruce system of automatic control. 9. Navigation appliances, including Kelvin's patent sounding machines for finding the depth of water under the ship without stopping; Walker's taffrail log for determining the speed of the ship; and flash signal lamps fitted above the shelters at each [end] of the navigating bridge for Morse signaling with other ships. DECKS AND ACCOMMODATION The boat deck was an uncovered deck, on which the boats were placed. At its lowest point it was about 92 feet 6 inches above the keel. The overall length of this deck was about 500 feet. The forward end of it was fitted to serve as the navigating bridge of the vessel and was 190 feet from the bow. On the after end of the bridge was a wheel house, containing the steering wheel and a steering compass. The chart room was immediately abaft this. On the starboard side of the wheel house and funnel casing were the navigating room, the captain's quarters, and some officers' quarters. On the port side were the remainder of the officers' quarters. At the middle line abaft the forward funnel casing were the wireless­telegraphy rooms and the operators' quarters. The top of the officers' house formed a short deck. The connections from the Marconi aerials were made on this deck, and two of the collapsible boats were placed on it. Aft of the officers' house were the first­class passengers' entrance and stairways and other adjuncts to the passengers' accommodation below. These stairways had a minimum effective width of 8 feet. They had assembling landings at the level of each deck, and three elevators communicating from E to A decks, but not to the boat deck, immediately on the fore side of the stairway. All the boats except two Engelhardt life rafts were carried on this deck. There were seven lifeboats on each side, 30 feet long, 9 feet wide. There was an emergency cutter, 25 feet long, on each side at the fore end of the deck. Abreast of each cutter was an Engelhardt life raft. One similar raft was carried on the top of the officers' house on each side. In all there were 14 lifeboats, 2 cutters and 4 Engelhardt life rafts. The forward group of four boats and one Engelhardt raft were placed on each side of the deck alongside the officers' quarters and the first­class entrance. Further aft at the middle line on this deck was the special platform for the standard compass. At the after end of this deck was an entrance house for second­class passengers with a stairway and elevator leading directly down to F deck. There were two vertical iron ladders at the after end of this deck leading to A deck for the use of the crew. Alongside and immediately forward of the second­class entrance was the after group of lifeboats, four on each side of the ship. In addition to the main stairways mentioned there was a ladder on each side amidships giving access from the A deck below. At the forward end of the boat deck there was on each side a ladder leading up from A deck with a landing there, from which by a ladder access to B deck could be obtained direct. Between the reciprocating engine casing and the third funnel casing there was a stewards' stairway, which communicated with all the decks below as far as E deck. Outside the deck houses was promenading space for first­class passengers. A deck. ­ The next deck below the boat deck was A deck. It extended over a length of about 500 feet. On this deck was a long house extending nearly the whole length of the deck. It was of irregular shape, varying in width from 24 feet to 72 feet. At the forward end it contained 34 staterooms and abaft these a number of public rooms, etc., for first­class passengers, including two first­class entrances and stairway, reading room, lounge, and the smoke room. Outside the deck house was a promenade for first­class passengers. The forward end of it on both sides of the ship, below the forward group of boats and for a short distance farther aft, was protected against the weather by a steel screen, 192 feet long, with large windows in it. In addition to the stairway described on the boat deck, there was near the after end of the A deck and immediately forward of the first­class smoke room another first­class entrance, giving access as far down as C deck. The second­class stairway at the after end of this deck (already described under the boat deck) had no exit on to the A deck. The stewards' staircase opened onto this deck. B deck. ­ The next lowest deck was B deck, which constituted the top deck of the strong structure of the vessel, the decks above and the side plating between them being light plating. This deck extended continuously for 550 feet. There were breaks or wells both forward and aft of it, each about 50 feet long. It was terminated by a poop and forecastle. On this deck were placed the principal staterooms of the vessel, 97 in number, having berths for 198 passengers, and aft of these was the first­class stairway and reception room, as well as the restaurant for first­class passengers and its pantry and galley. Immediately aft of this restaurant were the second­class stairway and smoke room. At the forward end of the deck outside the house was an assembling area, giving access by the ladders, previously mentioned, leading directly to the boat deck. From this same space a ladderway led to the forward third­class promenade on C deck. At the after end of it were two ladders giving access to the after third­class promenade on C deck. At the after end of this deck, at the middle line, was placed another second­class stairway, which gave access to C, D, E, F, and G decks. At the forward end of the vessel on the level of the B deck, was situated the forecastle deck, which was 125 feet long. On it were placed the gear for working the anchors and cables and for warping (or moving) the ship in dock. At the after end, on the same level, was the poop deck, about 105 feet long, which carried the after­warping appliances and was a third­class promenading space. Arranged above the poop was a light docking bridge with telephone, telegraphs, etc., communicating to the main navigating bridge forward.