Print Drivers ------------- Please ensure that you have the latest Windows print drivers. The latest Microsoft drivers can be obtained from their BBS at (206) 936- 6735. Compuserve users can GO MSL to find access them. Adobe has released its own PostScript 1 driver and is available from Adobe for $24.95 (800-833-6687). Alternatively, one can download it from places like Compuserve. LaserJet IV users must have a driver later than version 31.v1.27. Printing with TrueType ---------------------- Complex or poorly produced TrueType fonts can cause a number of problems in Windows. This is further aggravated if any of the following conditions are present: You are using 4MB or less of memory. Symbol fonts without Unicode assigned values. You have a significant number of fonts installed, or a high number of complex TrueType fonts. Workarounds may vary, but here are a few suggestions: If you use the HP LaserJet IV driver, try setting graphics mode to raster. To do this, double-click on the Control Panel icon, double- click on the printer icon, select the HP LaserJet 4 printer driver, press the Setup button, press the Options button, change the Graphics Mode from HP-GL/2 to raster in the Graphics section, press OK, press OK again, press the Close button, and close the Control Panel. With LaserJet III drivers, open the Control Panel, select Printers, and work your way through Setup, Options, of the L/Jet driver and turn on (x) Print True-Type as Graphics. If you are familiar with editing the WIN.INI file, insert the following lines (make a backup first). [TrueType] Outlinethreshold=200 TTIFCollision=1 TTEnable=1 TTOnly=0 The last two lines are normally already present. The Outlinethreshold default is 256 (without its inclusion), but reducing this down will allow more complex fonts to print. However, there may be a price such as reduced processing speed, or some problem with other fonts. The TTIFCollision=1 gives preference to the use of Truetype when a user has more than one format of the same named font. The practice of having similar names should really be avoided at all costs. In addition, if you are using additional font rendering systems such as ATM, SuperPrint or Speedo, check the font substitution areas of the respective *.ini files to ensure that no duplication of font names can occur (i.e., having Helv or Helvetica substituted more than once in different files) this includes the WIN.INI. If incorrect substitution occurs, re-install all of your fonts. Also, try entering an additional line in the FontSubstitutes section of WIN.INI. [FontSubstitutes] AmericanIndian=AmericanIndian Astro=Astro To force the use of a particular font. (note that the above named fonts are examples of the font names as they appear on installation). Try to limit the number of fonts available to no more than 180. If you choose to have hundreds of fonts on your system, consider a font manager such as FontHandler. If when installing a font, the same font with a different file name is already installed, it is unlikely that you will be able to install the new version as the first file in the directory is the one available. So, remove the old font before installing. Alternatively, if you have ATM, use the PostScript version. Kenneth Hirst, PO Box 5362, Irvine CA 92716 Compuserve #: 71204,2704