The fastest way to create professional Help systems for Windows NT,® Windows 95,® and Windows 3.x.

RoboHELP guides you through the entire process of creating Help systems for Windows NT,® Windows 95,® and Windows 3.x. Just point-and-click for full support of ALL Windows Help features, including jumps, topics, popup windows, macros, secondary windows, and context-sensitive help.

RoboHELP includes Help compilers, Enhanced Hotspot Editor, Screen Capture Utility, and support for Contents Tabs, authorable buttons, A-Links and K-Links, enhanced multimedia and graphics, and all the new macros. RoboHELP has instant test mode and rapidly converts existing documentation into a Help system or a Help system into printed documentation with an easy-to-use wizard. Plus, RoboHELP includes the SmartHelp Control for ActiveX.

It's no surprise that RoboHELP was awarded the Visual Basic Programmer's Journal Readers' Choice award for 1995 and 1996. Also available: WinHelp Office HTML Edition.

Free Windows Help Guide

Call us today at 1-800-459-5949 for more information about RoboHELP and WinHelp Office and receive our FREE electronic guide: What's New?—Windows Help Authoring

Blue Sky Software Corp.
7777 Fay Avenue, Suite 201
La Jolla, CA 92037
Int'l 619-459-6365, Fax 619-459-6366
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