Sheridan WinAPI Oblets™
A set of Programmable Application Objects to simplify
access to the most commonly used Windows® API
Sheridan WinAPI Oblets,™ a set of Sheridan Programmable
Application Objects,™ takes the hassle out of using the Windows API
by providing object-based access to Microsoft® Windows system
services. In addition, WinAPI Oblets gives you access to subclassing,
callbacks and system hooks. What will they do for you as a developer?
- Simplify access to the Windows API
- Make code easier to read and maintain
- Provide object-based access to Windows system services
- Point-and-click referencing of Windows functions
- Support callbacks, subclass windows and set hooks.
Includes interprocess support under 32-bit.
Oblets included are:
- ssDC—encapsulates Windows Graphics Device Interface (GDI)
and Device Context (DataCombo) related functionality providing
a full range of drawing functions.
- ssDynaCall—provides the ability to call an object’s methods
dynamically at runtime by supplying the method’s name as a
quoted string.
- ssPoint—encapsulates Windows point structure as an Oblet.
- ssRect—encapsulates Windows rect structure as an Oblet.
- ssSystem—provides access to various Windows System settings
such as System Metrics and System Colors.
- ssWnd—encapsulates functionality and methods of window
objects. Includes subclassing feature for attaching to and
processing messages of any window.
Also includes: ssBitmap, ssBrush, ssCommonDialog, ssHook, ssMenu,
ssPalette, ssPen, ssRGN, ssTimer and more.
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List Price: $139.00
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Sheridan Software Systems, Inc.
35 Pinelawn Road, Melville, NY 11747
Voice: (516) 753-0985
Fax: (516) 753-3661
International Distribution:
Great Britain: Contemporary; Sweden: McAllister PLC; Germany: MicroBasic;
Italy: Questar
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