Applications |
Disc Commander | Disc editing/recovery/toolkit application. |
LabelBase | Simple, yet flexible label printing database. |
Thoth | Powerful geometric, numerological and esoteric analysis. |
Word Search | Create your own word search puzzles. |
Communications |
AntUtils | Add valuable utilities to the Ant Suite. |
NetReader | Offline email reader for CIX and Ant INS. |
RSlink | Transfer files to and from another computer via the RS232 port. |
Education |
Bugs | Simulated Evolution (inspired by article in Scientific American mag). |
Foods | Calculate recommended daily intake of foods by creating your own meals. |
Newsroom | Simulated Newsroom for educational purposes. |
Games |
BlackJack | The classic casino game, with full casino rules. |
Nightmare Park | Risc OS version of the classic BBC B game. |
SuperSnake | Fast Arcade action in an Acorn version of the old classic. |
Misc |
Corewars | The classic 80's 'virus code' game/simulation for 'Red Code'. |
ENT | Perform statistical analysis of pseudorandom bytes stored in a file. |
Lottery | My famous National Lottery predictor. |
Reflect | "Moments of Reflection" - deep and meaningful random quotes. |
Psion |
ArcLink5 | Acorn <> Psion Series 5 transfer program. |
Psion | Transfer files to and from the original Psion II. |
PsiOrg | Convert Psion DATA files to !Organizer format. |
Sillies |
Dilbert | Generate random 'mission statements'. |
Man | The original desktop silly. |
Muncher | Another classic desktop silly. |
PV_Demo | The first scrolling text, bouncing ball and starfield inside an icon demo. |
PV_Life | Conways famous game of life, all inside an icon on the iconbar. |
Utilities |
BASCalc | Simple arithmetic expression evaluator. |
CRC | Perform a 32bit CRC on a file. |
BigChars | !Chars for the visually impaired. |
Bin | Acorn dustbin utility, plus disables delete from working. |
Dingbats | Easily select Dingbat characters and insert them into text. |
FontCat | Visually display all the fonts installed on your computer. |
IshClock | Shows the time and memory free in a small icon. |
LockDir | Utility for preventing casual users from opening directories/files from your desktop. |
SmartBar | An intelligent application and URL launcher. |
Snoop | Utility for displaying any window/icon flags underneath the mouse pointer. |
TextTidy | Tidy up and convert PC text files to the Acorn. |
VZap | Allegedly the worlds best Acorn virus killer application. |
Other Software hosted on this site |
Amp Skins | A selection of pre RISC OS converted skins for !Amp. |
mfd1.txt | Flicker free 1600 x 1200 (60Hz) monitor def for AKF85 compatible monitors. |
SansMono | Mono-spaced font to replace Corpus. Ideal for email use and includes top-bit characters. |
OpticalB | Mono-spaced font to replace Corpus. Ideal for email use. No top-bit characters. |
Ancestry+ | RISC OS Genealogy application created by the late Graham Crow. |
Bubble Help | Miles Sabin's excellent interactive help utility. |