Paul Vigay's RISC OS Shareware Page

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Disc CommanderDisc editing/recovery/toolkit application.
LabelBaseSimple, yet flexible label printing database.
ThothPowerful geometric, numerological and esoteric analysis.
Word SearchCreate your own word search puzzles.

AntUtilsAdd valuable utilities to the Ant Suite.
NetReaderOffline email reader for CIX and Ant INS.
RSlinkTransfer files to and from another computer via the RS232 port.

BugsSimulated Evolution (inspired by article in Scientific American mag).
FoodsCalculate recommended daily intake of foods by creating your own meals.
NewsroomSimulated Newsroom for educational purposes.

BlackJackThe classic casino game, with full casino rules.
Nightmare ParkRisc OS version of the classic BBC B game.
SuperSnakeFast Arcade action in an Acorn version of the old classic.

CorewarsThe classic 80's 'virus code' game/simulation for 'Red Code'.
ENTPerform statistical analysis of pseudorandom bytes stored in a file.
LotteryMy famous National Lottery predictor.
Reflect"Moments of Reflection" - deep and meaningful random quotes.

ArcLink5Acorn <> Psion Series 5 transfer program.
PsionTransfer files to and from the original Psion II.
PsiOrgConvert Psion DATA files to !Organizer format.

DilbertGenerate random 'mission statements'.
ManThe original desktop silly.
MuncherAnother classic desktop silly.
PV_DemoThe first scrolling text, bouncing ball and starfield inside an icon demo.
PV_LifeConways famous game of life, all inside an icon on the iconbar.

BASCalcSimple arithmetic expression evaluator.
CRCPerform a 32bit CRC on a file.
BigChars!Chars for the visually impaired.
BinAcorn dustbin utility, plus disables delete from working.
DingbatsEasily select Dingbat characters and insert them into text.
FontCatVisually display all the fonts installed on your computer.
IshClockShows the time and memory free in a small icon.
LockDirUtility for preventing casual users from opening directories/files from your desktop.
SmartBarAn intelligent application and URL launcher.
SnoopUtility for displaying any window/icon flags underneath the mouse pointer.
TextTidyTidy up and convert PC text files to the Acorn.
VZapAllegedly the worlds best Acorn virus killer application.

Other Software hosted on this site
Amp SkinsA selection of pre RISC OS converted skins for !Amp.
mfd1.txtFlicker free 1600 x 1200 (60Hz) monitor def for AKF85 compatible monitors.
SansMonoMono-spaced font to replace Corpus. Ideal for email use and includes top-bit characters.
OpticalBMono-spaced font to replace Corpus. Ideal for email use. No top-bit characters.
Ancestry+RISC OS Genealogy application created by the late Graham Crow.
Bubble HelpMiles Sabin's excellent interactive help utility.

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