1. Date of entry
2. Name of deceased
3. Name of spouse
4. Address of deceased
5. Location of funeral
6. Name of clergyman
7. Cause of death
8. Date of death
9. Marital status
10. Date of birth
11. Name and birthplace of father
12. Name and birthplace of mother
13. Place of interment
14. Names and residences of children

Funeral Book Entry of Benjamin Franklin
Gamble of Cumberland, Kentucky

Funeral Books

The amount and type of information recorded in a funeral book varies from place to place. An entire family group can be assembled from the information given in the example.
When a funeral book entry gives the name and residences of family members, try to locate them or their descendants for more information.
A record like this points a researcher to more than a dozen other records. You should list the records to be searched next based on the content of every record examined. For example:
  • Hospital records
  • Mortuary records
  • Church records
  • 1850 Census of Cumberland County, Kentucky
  • Obituary notice

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