The tenth census of the United States took place on June 1, 1880. None of it has been lost or destroyed. |
The 1880 census has been indexed using a soundex system. A census soundex is a phonetic index in which last names are grouped by how they sound rather than how they have been spelled. |
The 1880 census soundex includes families with children age 10 years or younger. Families without children within that age group do not appear in the soundex! |
The soundex coding system is easy to use:
1 = b, p, f, v 2 = c, s, k, g, j, q, x, z 3 = d, t 4 = l 5 = m, n 6 = r |
Coding rules:
Typical Coding Stoltenberg S-T-L-T-N-B-G S-T-L-T S-343 |
If less than three letters remain, enter
the number "0" to make a three digit number
after the initial letter.
Ott O-T-T O-300 |
When the first letter of the surname is a
vowel, it becomes the soundex code:
Applebaum A-P-P-L-B-M A-P-L-B A-141 |
Double consonants appearing together should
be treated as one letter.
Lloyd L-L-D L-L-D L-400 |
S-T-T-R-F-L-D S-T-R-F S-361 |
Names with two consecutive consonants that
share the same code number should be treated as one
Mickelson M-C-K-L-S-N M-CK-L-S M-242 |