1. Date of confirmation
2. Page number
3. Entry number
4. Family name
5. Given name
6. Date of birth

Confirmation Register
from a German-speaking Church
from New York State, 1892


Not every religious denomination includes confirmation as one of its sacramental ceremonies. Catholic, German Lutheran and Reformed, Scandinavian Lutheran, and a few other European religions confirmed their members and kept a record of those events in Europe and the United States.
Generally, confirmations took place in the Spring of a child's fourteenth year. Their age at confirmation could vary from thirteen to fifteen.
The best confirmation records give not only the information shown in the example, but also name the child's date and place of baptism, place of birth, and names of both parents.
Creating confirmation records has been the responsibility of the parish priest or minister.
You will find the majority of confirmation records in the possession of the current minister, in a diocesan archives or denominational archives.
A large number of church records for both the United States and Europe, including confirmation registers, have been microfilmed. Those films can be searched at the LDS Family History Library or one of its Family History Centers located throughout the nation.

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