1. Page number
2. Amount carried forward from the previous page
3. Total receipts
4. Disbursements
5. Minister's salary
6. Salary of worker or assistant
7. Signature of the organization's secretary
8. Signature of the organization's president

Account Book


The accounts of religious organizations contain a variety of information, but may be expected to include salaries, building maintenance expenses, and other regular expenses, as well as the name of contributing members.
Genealogists use accounts to establish an ancestor's membership in a particular religious organization, but accounts are particularly helpful if the ancestor was a leader of the organization.
In general, religious organization accounts have not been abstracted or microfilmed. The original records are maintained by the organization, either locally or in a regional or national center. Contact the appropriate organization for further information. The LDS Family History Library has a large collection of religious records that includes account books. Those records can be used at the Family History Library or its Family History Centers.

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