1. Name of the person who owns the property
2. Detailed information about the property

Personal Property Tax List

Column Headings

Name of person who owns the property

Detailed information about the property

  • Value of mortgages held
  • Value of money loaned out
  • The dollar value of the loan
  • Value of promissory notes held
  • Value of unconditional promises to repay
  • Value of repayment bonds
  • Value of judgments against debtors
  • Value of stock portfolio
  • Value of loans to non-residents
  • Value of public (utility) bonds
  • Value of household furnishings that are worth more than $300.
  • Value of luxury, or "Pleasure" carriages
  • Value of gold lever watches
  • Value of other types of gold watches, or silver lever watches
  • Value of watches worth at least $20.

Total value of taxable personal property

Personal Property

Personal property tax lists contain a variety of information about the property owned by an individual. In addition to the items on this tax list, taxable personal property often includes horses, cattle, other livestock, and slaves. Personal property tax lists do not name everyone, only the people (usually men) who owned taxable property.
Generally, men did not have to pay personal property taxes until they reached legal age (twenty-one), or got married, whichever came first. Women who appear in older tax lists are usually widows.
Most personal property tax lists are maintained both in the county where they were made and in a state office, so these records often survive in counties where the courthouse has burned.
Most personal property tax lists have not been abstracted and indexed. But, many personal property tax lists have been microfilmed and can be found at the LDS Family History Library, its local Family History Centers, and in the genealogy collections of private, local, state, and university libraries throughout the country.
Always check to see if personal property tax lists are available, because they may be the only records that name an ancestor.

© Palladium Interactive, Inc. 1997.
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