This readme file covers the CD-ROM layout and last minute changes to documentation. To install TriSpectives, double-click on SETUP.EXE in the root directory of the CD-ROM and follow the setup instructions. Windows 95 users may also choose to use the Add/Remove Programs Control Panel or the Install TriSpectives/Install TriSpectives Professional option during Autoplay. The rest of the CD is divided into the following sections. SUPPORT: SUPPORT.TXT contains information on contacting the 3D/EYE Technical Support. DEMO: Interactive multimedia demo of TriSpectives. A sound card is strongly recommended to get the most information from the demo. SAMPLES: This directory contains multiple directories for demos, workbooks, and OLE Automation files. The OLE Automation files are provided as an aid for programming TriSpectives via OLE Automation. 3D/EYE, Inc. has provided these files to help you create OLE Automation scripts. We ask that you only use the OLE Automation files provided by 3D/EYE, Inc., in Visual Basic scripts written for programming TriSpectives and TriSpectives Professional via OLE Automation. We appreciate your cooperation. Please see the README.TXT file in the SAMPLES directory for more information. DOCS: Here you will find the Getting Started guide, User Guide, Reference guide, and the OLE Automation Guide. To view them you will need Microsoft Word 6.0 or higher or you may use Microsoft Word Viewer for Windows 95 available in the Wordview directory. WORDVIEW: Here you will find the Microsoft Word Viewer for Windows 95 program for reading the online documentation. Read the install.txt file in that directory for instructions on how to use the Microsoft Word Viewer program. Microsoft Word Viewer runs on Windows 95 and Windows NT 3.51 CATALOGS: This directory contains two subdirectories. STANDARD and 3DMODELS. Please see the README.TXT file in the CATALOGS directory for more information. BROCHURE: This directory contains 3D/EYE product information. TEMPLATE: This directory contains the TriSpectives templates which you may use as starting points in your designs. IMAGES: This directory contains all of the TriSpectives textures which are contained in various subdirectories. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Documentation Changes: Please read the following section for corrections in the documentation. Also consult the online help system for comprehensive documentation and online tutorials designed to help you get the most out of TriSpectives and TriSpectives Professional. User Guide: ----------- The index states that Handles are discussed on page 31. Handles are discussed on page 32. The index states that Window Zoom is discussed on page 16. Window Zoom is discussed on page 17. The index states that moving a shape is discussed on page 33. Moving a shape is discussed on page 34. Reference Guide: ---------------- Attachment Points discussed on pages 91, 126, 127, and 131 ask the user to read pages 141 and 142 of the Reference Guide for more information on using Attachment Points. Information on using Attachment Points is located only on page 142. The following information should replace information in the Reference manual on pages 138-140 for L, W, H descriptions for the following animation parameters: Position parameter L. In this field, enter the distance between the animated object and the location of the anchor along the anchor’s forward direction. W. In this field, enter the distance between the animated object and the location of the anchor along the anchor’s sideways direction. H. In this field, enter the distance between the animated object and the location of the anchor along the anchor’s up direction. Origin parameter L. In this field, enter the distance between the anchor and the origin, measured along the Forward direction of the anchor. W. In this field, enter the distance between the anchor and the origin, measured along the Sideways direction of the anchor. H. In this field, enter the distance between the anchor and the origin, measured along the Up direction of the anchor. Orient At parameter L. In this field, enter the component of the Orient At direction measured along the Forward direction of the anchor. W. In this field, enter the component of the Orient At direction measured along the Sideways direction of the anchor. H. In this field, enter the component of the Orient At direction measured along the Up direction of the anchor. Orient Up parameter L. In this field, enter the component of the Orient Up direction measured along the Forward direction of the anchor. W. In this field, enter the component of the Orient Up direction measured along the Sideways direction of the anchor. H. In this field, enter the component of the Orient Up direction measured along the Up direction of the anchor. Tilt parameter Use the Tilt parameter to rotate an animated model around the Forward direction of the anchor. Roll parameter Use the Roll parameter to rotate an animated model around the Sideways direction of the anchor. Pan parameter Use the Pan parameter to rotate an animated model around the Up direction of the anchor. Please refer to the online help system for more information on using and creating animations in TriSpectives. OLE Automation Guide: --------------------- The Shape object also has a property named AutoUpdate. Valid values: FALSE -> Shape will not be updated until AutoUpdate is set to TRUE, or the Update method of the Shape or Page object is called. TRUE -> Shape will be updated whenever a change occurs. Example: Shape.AutoUpdate = False