UNIX Power Tools

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43.8 Fixing Margins with pr and fold

The System V version of pr (43.7) has a -F option for folding lines that are too wide for the output page: the printer won't truncate them. If you print lots of random data and stuff that may have long lines and your pr doesn't have -F, try the fold command instead.

fold arbitrarily breaks lines that are too long, by default at 80 columns. Use -width where width is the desired column to fold at for some other breaking point.

I made an alias (10.2) and shell function (10.9) called prF to do that. It prints a single file and puts the filename in the pr heading (usually, if you pipe to pr, it won't know the filename). You might want to add |  lpr onto the end of this, too:

alias prF 'fold \!^ | pr -h "\!^"'

A good way to see which lines are folded is with line numbering. pr versions without -F usually don't have -n either. You can add it to your alias with cat -n (25.21). The lines will be numbered before they're folded:

alias prnF 'cat -n \!^ | fold | pr -h "\!^"'

To shorten lines by folding them after a word near the right-hand end (instead of at some particluar column), try fmt (35.2).

- JP

Previous: 43.7 Quick-and-Dirty Formatting Before Printing UNIX Power ToolsNext: 43.9 Indenting Text for Printing
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