Section: Games and Demos (6)
Updated: 27 January 1992
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xsokoban - Pushing objects around...
{-w | -walls}
{-rv | -reverse}
{-f | -font}
{-b | -bitdir}
{-fg | -foregound}
{-bg | -backgound}
{-bd | -border}
{-pr | -pointer}
<arg> ]
The target of
is to push all the objects into the score area of each level using the
mouse or the arrow keys. If the left mouse button is pressed on a
clear square, the man will move to that location via the optimal path
if such a path exists, otherwise the terminal will beep. If the left
button is pressed on an object that is adjacent to the player, the
object will be pushed. The right button mouse provides a single level of
undo. The middle mouse button will repeat the last move.
The rest of the functions are bound to the keyboard:
- q
Quits the game.
- s
Saves and quits.
- c
Checkpoints a position.
- u
Undoes the last move.
- U
Restarts a level.
- ^R
Redraws the screen.
- ^U
Restores to last checkpoint. (a checkpoint is automatically done at the beginning of a level)
- -s
Show the scores
- -c
Create a new score file (can be ran only by the owner of the game).
- -r
Restore a saved game.
- -nn
Start at level
provided that levels below it are completed.
- -display <display>
Run the game on named display.
- {-w | -walls}
Use fancy walls. (This is the default unless an option bitmap set is used)
- {-rv | -reverse}
Use reverse video.
- {-f | -font} <fontname>
Use the named font instead of the default 9x15 font.
- {-b | -bitdir} <path>
Use the bitmaps found in <path> instead of the defaults.
- {-fg | -foreground} <color>
Use the named color as the foreground color. (default is BlackPixel())
- {-bg | -background} <color>
Use the named color as the background color. (default is WhitePixel())
- {-bd | -border} <color>
Use the named color as the border color. (default is foreground color)
- {-pr | -pointer} <color>
Use the named color as the mouse pointer foreground. (default is foreground)
- -xrm <arg>
<arg> is an X Resource specification.
Joseph L. Traub - X windows interface.
Kevin Solie - simultaneously developed X implementation (merged in).
Mark Linderman, Christos Zoulas - Mouse code (added to Solie's version).
Unknown Hacker - Original curses(1) implementation.
understands the following resources.
- fancyWalls : boolean
Use fancy walls.
- fontName : font
Use named font.
- reverseVideo : boolean
Reverse foreground and background pixels.
- foreground : color
Use color as foreground color.
- background : color
Use color as background color.
- borderColor : color
Use color as border color.
- pointerColor : color
Use color as pointer color.
- bitmapDir : string
Look for bitmaps in path specified by string.
In order to define your own bitmaps for
you only need to know the names of which files it is looking for.
The standard bitmap files are:
- man.xbm
-- The player bitmap.
- goal.xbm
-- The goal area bitmap.
- wall.xbm
-- The standard wall bitmap.
- object.xbm
-- The object that gets pushed.
- treasure.xbm
-- The bitmap for the object when it is on the goal.
- saveman.xbm
-- The bitmap for the player when it is on the goal.
- To use the fancy walls option, you need the following additional files.
- lonewall.xbm
-- a wall with connections on no sides.
- southwall.xbm
-- a wall with only northern connections
- northwall.xbm
-- a wall with only southern connections
- eastwall.xbm
-- a wall with only western connections
- westwall.xbm
-- a wall with only eastern connections
- llcornerwall.xbm
-- a wall with northern and eastern connections
- ulcornerwall.xbm
-- a wall with southern and eastern connections
- lrcornerwall.xbm
-- a wall with northern and western connections
- urcornerwall.xbm
-- a wall with southern and western connections
- north_twall.xbm
-- a wall with connections on all BUT northern side
- south_twall.xbm
-- a wall with connections on all BUT southern side
- east_twall.xbm
-- a wall with connections on all BUT eastern side
- west_twall.xbm
-- a wall with connections on all BUT western side
- centerwall.xbm
-- A wall will connections on all four sides.
Auto bitmap resizing code doesn't take into account text displays.
Feedback on user error is poor (only beeps).
This document was created by
using the manual pages.
Time: 19:03:43 GMT, February 02, 2023