mine [-f] [-n ] [] [] The goal of this game is to discover a mine field. The player can discover a square by going into it with the arrows and then hitting the space bar. If this square contains a mine a '@' appears and the game is over. If not, a number appears that represents the number of mines in the contiguous squares. The player wins when he has discovered all the empty squares. The -f options starts the game with a smaller field than the default one. The other options allow to specify the field and the number of mines. Apart from the space bar and the arrows, the keys are - 'f' to (un)mark the position of a mine - 'n' to start a new game. - 'q' to quit the game. - 'p' to make a pause - 'c' when your boss arrives To install it, create a 'mine' user, put root as owner of the game and the set user id bit. If you want to share the score file across the network, the /etc/mine.score must contain the list of the machines for which the score has to be updated.