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tourney - run an NCAA basketball tournament pool (64-team field)  




tourney allows easy tracking of entries in the traditional 64-team NCAA basketball pool, from the initial 64-team field all the way down to the final.

As released, tourney uses the following scoring method: 1 point for each correct entry for round one, 2 points for correct entries in round two, 4 points in round three, 8 points in round four, 16 points in round five, and 32 points for round six (the final). This is the scoring method I've used for years and works quite well. If you do not want to score it this way, then it is easily changed by following instructions in the Install file, which came with this release.

Entries can be input, and displayed (actually, a ascii file is created, which can then be sent to a printer), score lists can be printed at any time, on a game-by-game basis if desired.


Although tourney is menu-driven and intended to be self explanatory, there are a few things that may be helpful to know going in:

Once tourney is installed, the next step (before any people's entries can be entered) is to type in the field of 64 teams. This is done through the "1. Setup tournament database" option off of the main menu, then selecting the "1. Edit list of teams" option off of the sub-menu.

Once the 64-team field has been entered, individual entries can be input. This done from the "1. Setup tournament database" option from the main menu, then selecting the "Enter a person into the pool, or edit their entry" option. This is used to both enter a person initially, as well as to correct mistakes. If you must, you can partially enter the person's picks, then ESCAPE out and finish it later. This is all done from this function.

You must completely enter every person's entry before attempting to create a score list (a pool standing).


Once all entries have been completed, you can begin the actual running of the tournament. This is about the easiest part of tourney. As game results become available, you can enter them into the database by selecting the "2. Edit game results" option from the main menu.

This function allows the entering, round-by-round, of game results. You will be prompted for which round you want to edit (1-6). Type in the round number, and press RETURN. Note that you cannot edit a round without having completely enter the results for all games from all previous rounds.

You will now be asked for the results of each game in the round. Again, you can do this partially, then save it out and come back later when you have more results to enter. This enables you to liven up your contest a little bit by providing up-to-the-minute stats for your rabid basketball fans.

Unfortunately, to run another tournament as of this release, you will have to manually remove the old player files in the 'players' directory before you can begin a new tournament. Hopefully, this type of thing will come off of the menu a little later on down the line.


tourney uses a standard string editing routine I wrote a while back. Usually, ESCAPE will abort. Left and right arrows (control-h and control-l) can be used to move within the string being edited. Up and down arrows (control-k and control-j) can be used to move to the next or previous line. Control-x is the delete character key. RETURN or ENTER is used to enter the current string, and go on to the next string. TAB can also be used to go to the next entry. It works a little differently, as thus a little faster, than RETURN or the arrow keys.


You don't even really need this program for the 1989/90 season, because anybody who picks UNLV to go all the way will automatically win the tournament. You might just want to save it for next year, or the year after that.



Jack Alexander, (  


This is release 1.0, so who knows?




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Time: 07:00:43 GMT, December 12, 2024