Section: Local Commands (L)
Updated: 28 August 1990
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railmag - download vfont file to HP DeskJet printer  


railmag [ options ] filename



Railmag converts a vfont file to a format acceptable by the DeskJet printer and downloads it. Since the vfont format is much simpler than the DeskJet format, many options are provided so that the user can overide the defaults.

The DeskJet family has two printers, the older (DeskJet) can print fonts that have cells up to 100 dots high. The newer DeskJet PLUS, can have fonts up to 200 dots high. If railmag is given a small font it will automatically use the older format so that it can be used by both printers, while for lrger fonts it will use the DeskJet PLUS format.


Format Arguments

The meanings of the format argument characters are:

-n name
is the name of the font as it will appear on the DeskJet font table.
-s sname
is the font selection name. E.g. if you specify -s 12U you'll be able to select the font by sending ESC(12U to the DeskJet.
specify fixed width font (by default its assumed to be proportional).
-p nn
Override calculated pitch of file. Forces fixed width font.
-o nn
where nn is the offset (i.e. the ASCII number of the first character of the font.
-i fid
specifies the fontid of the downloaded font.
-t nn
typeface number. -T temporary fonts (i.e. dissappear after reset)
-F name
(MSDOS only) specify name of output file
(MSDOS only) generate soft font file (i.e. no fontid)



vwidth(1), vfontinfo(1)  


Many parameters are arbitrarily set. Could do with more `intelligent' assumptions.

Assumes 127 character fonts - avoid 256 character fonts, they ages to download and take up a lot of space.



Format Arguments

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