Section: User Commands (1)
Updated: 17 Dec 1992
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rfcget - Simple rfc retrieval tool  


rfcget [ options ] [ rfc-number ]


rfcget is a c-shell script which facilitates the retrieval of Request For Comments (RFC) Documents. The script supports two functions; topic searching, rfc document retrieval. The script uses a local copy of the rfc index file for topic searches. This index must be located in a directory named by the environment variable RFC_DIR. If you choose not to set this variable, the script uses the local directory. RFC_DIR is also used as the location where retrieved documents are placed. You are warned by the script if this variable isn't set. If the index file is not found when the script is run, the tool "syncs" with a nic server copy then proceeds with argument processing.



rfcget allows you to specify three options on the command line. The options supported are as follows:

Run the program in interactive mode prompting the user for the numbers of the rfc documents to retrieve from the server.
Prompt the user for a topic to search in the index file.
Synchronize local index file with the one found at the nic.



% rfcget -i -t
Enter topic: DVMRP
Search again? (y/n) [n]: y
Enter topic: distance vector
1075  Distance Vector Multicast Routing Protocol. Waitzman,D.;Partridge,C.;
Search again? (y/n) [n]: n
Get RFC Number(s): 1075
Getting the following files from from ftp.nisc.sri.com;
Continue? y/n [y]: y
Local directory now /mit/staff/RFC
-rw-rw-r--  1 staff     53385 Dec 18 13:33 rfc1075.txt






Jim Culbert (culbert@iesl.mit.edu)  


The script has hardwired references to a specific nic and a specific index file name. If these change, the script will break. The user must modify script variables if the nic becomes unavailable or if the index is put into another file name. It should be possible to override these parameters via options or a configuration file. The current site accessed is ftp.nisc.sri.com and the index file searched for is rfc-index.txt.

Similarly, the script assumes a file name format of rfcxxxx.txt for the files to be retrieved. Problems will arise if this ever changes.

There should be an option to search for .ps files as well as .txt files.




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Time: 07:05:08 GMT, December 12, 2024