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cpg - C source listing formatter  


cpg [ -b<asename> ] [ -t tabstop ] [ file... ]  


cpg is a C language source listing formatter. It employs certain triggers to perform its formatting. Those same triggers may be used to extract in-line documentation to create documentation. At the end of the listing produced by cpg is a table of contents of all files and functions contained in the current listing. The table of contents is sorted alphabetically by function and file. The listing produced by cpg includes on each line a line number. On each line containing any braces ({}), there will also be a nesting level indicator. The nesting level indicator includes a number (the current nesting level) and a directional character. The directional characters are:
The nesting level increased on this line
The nesting level decreased on this line
The nesting level changed both ways, with a net change of zero The triggers that cpg recognizes are itemized below. Each must appear in column 1.
A formfeed will cause a new page to be started with a full header.
/*F filename *<anything>
The file name may be specified in a comment preceding a descriptive header block. The filename argument must be delimited by asterisks in the trigger. The filename will appear in all page headings up to the next filename trigger or the next file. A filename comment block must be terminated by the endofblock trigger (see below). This trigger will print as a line in the listing. This trigger causes the start of a new page (form feed) in the listing, with printing of the page header including the current file name.
/*H funcname *<anything>
The function name may be specified in a comment preceding a descriptive header block. The funcname argument must be delimited by asterisks in the trigger. The funcname will appear in all page headings up to the next funcname trigger or the next file. A funcname comment block must be terminated by the endofblock trigger (see below). This trigger will print as a line in the listing. This trigger causes the start of a new page (form feed) in the listing, with printing of the page header including the current function name.
This is the endofblock trigger. Everything between the last filename or funcname trigger and the endofblock trigger will be passed straight through by cpg without evaluation of nesting levels, comments, or quoted strings. Thus, a header block is treated as one long comment by cpg. This trigger will print as a line in the listing.
This is a page eject trigger. It will not print in the listing, but will be counted for line numbering purposes. This trigger causes the page heading, title, and subtitle to be reprinted based on their current values (see title and subtitle below).
/*S <text> */
This is the subtitle trigger. It determines the contents of the second title line on the page header. All characters after the initial space and up to but not including the following asterisk (required) are included as part of the subtitle. This trigger will not print in the listing but will be counted for line numbering purposes.
/*T <text> */
This is the title trigger. It determines the contents of the first title line on the page header. All characters after the initial space and up to but not including the following asterisk (required) are included as part of the title. This trigger will not print in the listing but will be counted for line numbering purposes.


The basename option causes cpg to use only the basename portion of the filename (whether obtained from the fileheader trigger or the current filename) in page headers as well as the table of contents. Thus, if a file is printed using "cpg -bt4 `pwd`/xyz.c", only "xyz.c" will show up in the page header.
-t tabstop
The tabstop argument to the -t option specifies how to expand tabs. The expansion is performed automatically with a tabstop of 8 if none is specified.


Any number of file names may be specified on the command line (within limits set by whichever shell is used). Each file will be formatted and its name added to the table of contents. If no file names are specified, cpg will read the standard input.


temporary file for building the table of contents.


dtab(1), nl(1), pr(1), sort(1)  


This tool was developed at Benetics Corporation. A side note: cpg also properly processes comments in shell scripts and makefiles. These comments are correctly handled when the comment character (# or :) is the first nonblank character on a line. In order to facilitate documentation of shell scripts, cpg recognizes the sequences #{ and #} as the beginning and ending of nesting, and treats them as it does in C program sources. Thus lengthy for, if, while, and case statements may be more clearly documented as to nesting levels, particulary in shell scripts.  


Steven M. List
Benetics Corporation
Mountain View, CA.




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