Section: User Commands (1)
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tabs - canonicalize spaces and tabs  


tabs [ -iNN ] [ -oNN ] [ -t ] <input >output  


This program can be used to:
convert from one tab size to another
optimize spacing/tabbing to a minimum number of characters
replace tabs with spaces
replace spaces with tabs
delete trailing spaces/tabs on lines

It is designed to be used as a filter, reading standard input and writing to standard output.

Tabs accepts the following options:

Tabs on the input file are set every NN (default eight) spaces. If NN is 0 or omitted, input tabs are not treated as special characters; this is probably only useful with the options ``-o0 and -t''.
Tabs on the output file are set every NN (default eight) spaces. If NN is 0 or omitted, tabs are not used in the output file.
Suppress trailing spaces/tabs from output lines.

Options may be specified separately or together. Spaces are not allowed between the i or o option and the number following. This program will always eliminate redundant spacing. If this is all that is desired, set the input and output tab size identically.  


       tabs -i8 -o8 <infile >outfile

Optimize out extra spaces, normal tab stops.

       tabs -i4t <infile >outfile

Convert from Microware's silly four-character tabs to normal eight-character tabs and eliminate trailing spaces.




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Time: 06:30:06 GMT, December 12, 2024