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Updated: 22 January 1989
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$TARGET - blanks and/or locks display  


$TARGET [ X toolkit options ] [ $TARGET options ]  


$TARGET is a client application running under the X Window System that blanks and/or locks the display when activated. The display is restored by pressing a key or a mouse button, and then entering the appropriate password if the screen is locked.

When executed, $TARGET splits off a child process to run in the background. Two default bitmap(1) files are loaded, one to server as the $TARGET command icon (and icon pixmap) and one to bounce around the display with other useful information when the screen saver is activated. Also, the X server screensaver is deactivated when $TARGET is either blanking or locking the screen.

When $TARGET is not activated, it manifests itself as a small icon (whose position defaults to the upper left corner of the screen). Clicking the left or right mouse button on the icon will cause the screen to lock or blank, depending on whether the auto-lock option has been selected. Clicking and holding the middle mouse button will bring up a menu for four items: change auto-lock state, lock screen, blank screen, and exit. Drag the mouse cursor to the proper selection and release the mouse button to select. To get rid of the menu without selecting anything, move the mouse out of the menu and release the mouse button, or type `q' with the mouse cursor in the menu.

When $TARGET locks, it attempts to use the user's password in the /etc/passwd file as the password to unlock the display. If that password is unuseable for some reason and the user has not specified an alternate key on the command line or in the X resource database (see below), $TARGET will prompt for a password when the screen is first locked, and will not allow the screen to be locked unless the same password is typed twice at the prompt.

When $TARGET starts up, it attempts to write its process ID number into the file /tmp/Xscreensaver.$(USER).pid.

Many of the program defaults are defined in the file $APPDIR/$APPTARGET. To find out the specific resource strings which may be used to set default fonts and other defaults, users should refer to that file.  


$TARGET will accept all X toolkit command-line options and resource database specifications, using the instance $TARGET or the class Xscreensaver; for more information, see X(1). In addition, $TARGET will accept the following command-line options (or resource database specifications):
-b (icon.bitmap, float.bitmap)
The -b option allows the user to specify the bitmap that will be used both for the $TARGET command icon and for the bouncing icon. The X resource icon.bitmap specifies the command icon bitmap, while float.bitmap specifies the bouncing icon bitmap.
-B (useBackground = true)
Causes the root window's pattern or color to be used as the background of the screen when $TARGET is blanked or locked.
-v (velocity)
Specifies the velocity of the bouncing icon, supposedly in centimeters per second. The default is 40.
-l (autoLock = true)
Sets the auto-lock function of the screen saver. When auto-lock is set, clicking the left or middle mouse button on the $TARGET icon will cause the screen to lock. Otherwise, doing so will only cause the screen to blank.
-dtime (displayTime = true)

+dtime (displayTime = false)
When dtime is set to true, the current time will be displayed in the bouncing icon. When it is set to false, the current time will not be displayed.
-delapsed (displayElapsed = true)

+delapsed (displayElapsed = false)
Controls the display of the elapsed time in the bouncing icon.
-dtimeout (displayTimeout = true)

+dtimeout (displayTimeout = false)
Controls the display of the time left before $TARGET times out in the bouncing icon.
-dtimes (DisplayTimes = true)

+dtimes (DisplayTimes = false)
A class toggle option which controls dtime, delapsed and dtimeout.
-t (timeout)
The timeout, specified in minutes, tells $TARGET how long to leave the screen locked before automatically unlocking it and exiting. Some sites may have a default timeout hard-coded into the program, and some sites may have a maximum timeout. To specify no timeout, specify a timeout of 0 minutes.
-key (key)
Specify a plaintext password to use for locking the screen.
-ekey (encryptedKey)
Specify an encrypted password, in standard Unix crypt(3) format, for locking the screen.
-npw (usePasswd = false)
When this command-line option or X resource is specified, $TARGET will ignore the entry in the /etc/passwd file and prompt for a password instead. Note that it is not necessary to specify this option if the -key or -ekey option is specified.
-lc (lockCommand)
This option allows the user to specify a command line to be executed by the system(3) system call each time the screen is locked. When the screen is unlocked, the process executing the command will be killed if it has not already exited.
-uc (unlockCommand)
This option allows the user to specify a command line to be executed each time the screen is unlocked. The process executing the command will not be killed by $TARGET so the user should be sure that any command specified using this option will exit on its own.
-nofork (noFork)
Prevents $TARGET from forking into the background when it starts up.
-mb (menuButton)
This option allows the user to specify which of the three mouse buttons (1, 2, or 3), when pressed on the $TARGET icon, should cause the menu to pop up. The default is -mb2.
-cl (leaveClose = true)
When this option is specified, the $TARGET menu automatically goes up when the mouse cursor leaves it, without waiting for the button to be released outside of the window.
-L (startLocked = true)
When this flag is specified, $TARGET will start up in locked mode.
-m (lockMessage)
This option allows the user to specify a short message to be displayed in the floating icon when the screen is blanked or locked. The message text should be one command-line option following the flag, so if it is specified on the command line and is more than one word, it should be placed in quotes or spaces should be quoted.


Default icon bitmap.
Default bouncing icon bitmap.
Default window-manager icon bitmap.
$TARGET program defaults.
user X resource database file.
process ID of the program


X(1), bitmap(1), lock(1)  


Written by Jonathan Kamens, MIT Project Athena and MIT Student Information Processing Board, for X Version 11 and the X toolkit

Original idea by Edward Moy, Academic Computing Services, University of California at Berkeley, for X Version 10




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