If you own a sector, you can redesignate it. That is, specify
what function that sector has. It costs a certain amount of money
(and possibly also metal, jewels, ...) to redesignate a sector.
Each type of sector can employ a different number of people. For
example, a city can employ several thousand people, whereas a farm
sector can only properly employ a few hundred people. The basic
number of people that a sector can employ is listed in the table
below. This value is then modified by how much your race tends to
crowd. If you are an orc, for example, more people can be crammed
into a single sector, so the formula is:
The possible designations (together with the characters that are
displayed on the map) are:
- Farm (f) - these produce food. Without farmers producing food,
your people will starve to death. Farms also generate revenue in the
form of taxes.
- Metal mine (m) - supplies your country with metal, proportional to
how good the metal mine it is, how many people you have in it, and your
mining ability. Also generates revenue in the form of taxes.
- Jewel mine (j) - supplies your country with jewels, proportional to
how good a jewel mine it is, how many people you have in it, and your
mining ability. Also generates revenue in the form of taxes.
- City (c) - generate a lot of revenue in the form of taxes.
Cities are also the places in which you can draft armies and construct
ships. Cities also contain universities and temples, so mages can be
initiated in them.
- Capital (C) - are like cities, but the administrative bureaucracy
of your nation is based in your capital, so if your capital is
sacked, many of your nation's riches will be taken.
- University (u) - this is a school of higher education. Your
country's intelligence can be increased if you put a lot of people in
universities. Universities cost to maintain. Mages can be initiated
in universities.
- Temple (+) - a place of worship. Mages can be initiated in
temples. Also, the fraction of your people in temples increases your
magic skill.
- Stadium (s) - your country holds sports events here. (for now,
does nothing)
- Trade post (T) - a caravan or ship can give goods and armies to
another nation by dropping them off at a trade post belonging to that
other nation.
- Embassy (e) - necessary to establish relations with another
country. (for now, does nothing)
- Fort (!) - forts give bonus to armies camped there (3/turn).
- Hospital (h) - hospitals affect birth and death rates in your
nation. (not yet) Hospitals have maintainance costs each turn.
- Refinery (r) - refines your metals. Increases the productivity
of adjacent metal mines. A metal mine has 12each surrounding refinery, if that refinery has at least the minimum
The Designation table describes the properties of various
designations: what they cost, how much revenue they produce per
capita, how much they cost to maintain, the minimum employment (not
used in all cases), and how many people can be employed in that