You can construct on a sector with the [C]onstruct command. Your
construction will cost money and/or metal, and can make that sector
more valuable. You can construct:
- [r]oads: decreases the move cost for you (and anyone else) in this
sector. The cost for building roads doubles for the next level of
road construction. For each level of roads construction, the move
cost goes down by 1 (but it never goes below 1).
- [f]ortification: fortifies the current sector: adds 10 to the
fortification level, which gives your armies that much bonus
when defending that sector.
- [b]ubbles: these are air/water-tight bubbles. They are necessary
to colonize underwater (if you are an above-water race) and land (if you
are an underwater nation). Once you have a bubble, you can move
troops and civillians to that sector.