Budget report

To access this report you type [r] followed by [b].

The budget report gives you detailed breakdown of how you are spending your money and your natural resources.

Within the budget report you can adjust what percent of your money and/or natural resources you are spending on technology, the study of magic and reconnaisance. You also can adjust your tax rate from this menu.

This screen also shows how much money you are spending on military maintenance and other costs inccurred. The only way military maintenance can be lowered is to disband armies. Other costs include but are not limited to the cost of drafting an army and the cost of redesignating sectors.

The Metal and Jewels Breakdown, aside from listing the amounts spent on research and development, show how much of each natural resource is spent. Other metal expenses consist of but are not limited to the construction of citites and the drafting of armies. Other Jewels are used as a maintenance fee for mages.

The commands within this screen are:


Watch how much money you are spending carefully, You might be bankrupting your nation without realizing it! You to can run your nation at a deficit... but be warned: if you have no money, you canot draft, construct or redesignate. If someone attacks you and you need armies quickly, you will be in trouble.

You might also want to keep you taxes on the low side... the higher the taxes, the less the people produce. In fact, beyond a certain tax rate, you will not even get much tax revenue out of your people because they will produce so little, and they will want to cheat on taxes.