You can set some options that affect the way the game appears to you.
For now the only ones implemented are:
- e[x]pert mode. This toggles expert mode on and off. Expert mode
allows an experience player to do things much more quickly by showing
most menus on the status line, instead of drawing big windows.
- [f]orwarding mail. This allows a you to get mail forwarded
to your account instead of reading mail inside dominion.
- [c]ivilian movement. This toggles between the three available
types of migration that your government allows: Free,
Restricted and None.
- [m]ail program. This allows you to choose a mail program with
which to read your dominion mail. Examples are ``elm'', ``mush'', ``Mail'',
``mailx''. If you type nothing, you will get the builtin bare-bones mail