Section: Games and Demos (6)
Updated: 9th April 1992
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perp - a multiscreen diamond collection game  


perp [ level_num ]  


The idea of perp is to collect all the diamonds necessary to advance to the next level. Having done this you will be presented with a small end of level screen, and the new screen.

Diamonds can be found either lying around, or manufactured from crushing the lighter coloured boulders together. The darker @-filled bolders cannot be crushed into diamonds, only moved around.

To move around use the h,j,k and l keys.
There is a save and load feature which can be invoked using S and L keys. The save file is $HOME/ (This is one of the less buggy features of the game - so please make good use of it)
To quit and restart a level, press 'q'. To redraw the screen, press control L. To exit the game press control C (or interrupt).  


perp level_num

The start level is level number 0. To start on another level simply state the number as the first (and only) argument to perp.  


Files are used for the sprites and the map data. These are by default LIBDIR/map and LIBDIR/spr where LIBDIR is usually /usr/games/lib/perp.  


perp was written by James 'Rince' Bonfield.  


There are quite likely to be thousands of bugs. However, the author wishes to stress that the game is not likely to be updated and corrected any more than it's current state. Feel free to fix things yourself :-)

There are no checks on which levels exist. If you attempt to start on a non existant level then the game will simply go loopy. This will also happen upon finishing the last level.

Also, the level argument can be supplied as a negative number. This, also understandably causes a few worried looks from the program. If you try harder then it'll probably just have a nervouse breakdown and burst into tears with a segmentation fault.

Very little (in fact none) integrity checking is done on the map and sprite data files read in by the game.




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